Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


Right to Respect

Citizen organizations of Georgetown, one. Georgetown students, zero.

The D.C. Court of Appeals’ June 20 decision to deny the University’s request for stay for portions of the University’s Ten-Year Plan comes as another victory for the non-student residents of the surrounding Georgetown community who view students as negative addition to the neighborhood.


Youth is wasted on me

To an objective onlooker, it would seem that I am turning into an old man. Don’t get me wrong, my wardrobe, in response to nearly eight weeks of indentured servitude in the foreign policy community, resembles that of a misguided eighth grader/rave hooligan (I don’t know which is worse).


For your entertainment

“You have to promise me that you won’t get six more earrings, an eyebrow ring or anything like that,” the store manager of the f.y.e. chain music store at my local mall said as she was about to hire me for the summer. “Sure,” I said smiling, picturing Ozzy Osbourne’s gratuitously tattooed forearms.


Misleading the American public

Cut to an an 18-year-old girl with a pale complexion. She says, “I helped kill a judge.” Cut to a young dark-skinned girl aged no more than 15. She states: “I help blow up buildings.” Cut to yet another girl who looks about 20 years old. Very proudly and without any sign of remorse, she says, “My life, my body.


An American renaissance

In light of the War on Terrorism and growing socio-political cynicism, it’s time for our nation to embark on a cultural and political renaissance to recapture the rich tapestry of human creativity within American society. The noble quest to elevate the public’s understanding and appreciation of its particular heritage is not novel.


Gimme a U, gimme an I …

To most incoming first-years, the shiny new iMac computers in Sellinger lounge and on the lower floors of ICC represent one of the many novelties of university life. They inspire a vision of grandeur: They are part of an institution on the cutting edge of technology that constantly provides up-to-date means for carrying out a quest for knowledge.


Asking to be written off

To the majority of Americans, talk of Washington, D.C. politics conjures one name?Marion Barry?and that name represents almost comical levels of corruption and mismanagement, overshadowing sometimes-great accomplishments. These days, Barry has for the most part left public life in the city he ran for nearly two decades, but events this summer proved his specter remains in the worst ways.


Uproar in North Carolina

The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill was sued this summer for assigning 4,200 incoming first-years and transfers a book on the Koran as part of its First Year Book program, where students write an essay about a text and participate in a group discussion.


Focusing in on our security

Camera 4: (zoom in) Caucasian, brunette female, holding philosophy books in front of ICC building. Zoom out and pan left across Red Square to two African-American males sitting on green bench talking. Pan right to Caucasian male and Caucasian female sitting at table distributing fliers.


The Sports Sermon

No baseball games are guaranteed to end in a timely fashion. At least if you are a quarterback or a point guard and you’re having a bad game, it is sure to end in an hour. However, if you’re a pitcher and you’re having a bad game it could last until tomorrow.