The staff of The Georgetown Voice.
You yearn for dietary change. On these pages you’ll find critiques of restaurants in local neighborhoods. Our critics have been selected based upon a variety of factors: They hate cafeteria food, they have money to splurge, and they are connoisseurs of the finer,and cheaper, places to eat in D.
By the Voice Staff January 31, 2002
You pass it on your way to Yates; you drive by it in the GUTS bus as you enter campus from Prospect Street; you gaze out on it from your dormitory window; it looms before you as you descend the stairs of Village C or the hill by New South. No matter who you are on campus, chances are you’ve noticed the huge hole in the southwest corner of campus.
By the Voice Staff January 24, 2002
On Sunday Cardinal Theodore McCarrick presided at a Eucharist in St. William’s Chapel, at which 21 students?some, though not all, lesbian and gay?remained standing throughout the liturgy. Their silent presence drew attention, a handout said, to Georgetown’s failure to address “the needs of its students without regard to age, sex, religion, race, sexual orientation, handicap, color, national or ethnic origin.
By the Voice Staff January 24, 2002
Now, before anyone accuses me of being a too-intense Shel Silverstein devotee, I want to point out that I’ve been driven to keeping the light in the attic on by circumstances outside my control. Yes, a single bulb burns in my attic on T Street, and will continue to burn for the foreseeable future.
By the Voice Staff January 24, 2002
In order to properly understand why I’m so angry at AT&T, you’ll need a little bit of background.
I guess in order for things to be perfectly clear, we’ll have to go back to the magical month of June in the magical year of 1980. It was a strange time for the United States.
By the Voice Staff January 24, 2002
Perhaps you’ve seen me sitting out on Healy Lawn, with legs crossed and eyes closed in peaceful meditation amidst the hustle and bustle of the early afternoon. So what is this meditation practice? Is it tai chi? Yoga? Why do I practice it? Actually, this practice is called Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa), and my reasons for practicing it are much deeper than mere stress relief and peace of mind.
By the Voice Staff January 24, 2002
University President John J. DeGioia’s creation of a new executive position in the Medical Center raises several concerns about his decision-making process. DeGioia, who announced his intention to appoint current Executive Vice President Sam Wiesel to the post, has failed to clearly define the responsibilities of the new position and to address faculty concerns about it.
By the Voice Staff January 24, 2002
Georgetown’s undergraduate tuition for the 2001-2002 academic year increased five percent from the previous year?from $23,952 in 2000-2001 to $25,152 this year. Compared to past tuition hikes, this most recent increase is not an outrageous or even out-of-the ordinary one.
By the Voice Staff January 24, 2002
The federal government has given the District $750,000 in research money to explore the idea of reintroducing light rail transportation into the city. Proponents, who include Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.), say that light rail would be an effective alternative to the city’s current bus and Metro systems.
By the Voice Staff January 24, 2002