Kathryn Yang


Increasing equity at Georgetown begins with reforming Blue & Gray

Being a tour guide means generally presenting Georgetown positively to visitors. But as three guides of color, we often tiptoe between spouting the information the Office of Undergraduate Admissions wants us to share and acknowledging our lived experiences beyond the brochures.


Pull up the dictionary: We’ve got to redefine language learning

Despite spending hours learning vocabulary and practicing pronunciation, we remain estranged to the cultures of the languages we study.


The merit to rethinking meritocracy, and why we need to change ‘elite’ admissions

The conversation around meritocratic admissions that dominates elite institutions promotes an us-versus-them mentality that drives a wedge between minority groups.


A Third Start: Reflections from pandemic transfer students

The 2020 transfer class has already experienced Georgetown for a year but is just now finding their permanent place on the Hilltop.