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Med student victim of hate crime

Last Friday at around three a.m., two men shouted homophobic slurs at a Georgetown University medical student, and one struck him across the face with a Grey Goose Vodka bottle.


Hate crime suspect identified in two line-ups

October 1, 2007—The victim of a September 9 bias-related assault identified Philip Cooney (MSB ‘10) as one of his attackers on two separate instances, Lt. Alberto Jova, the commanding officer of the Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit for the Metropolitan Police Department said on Monday.


Hate crime suspect identified in two line-ups

October 1, 2007—The victim of a September 9 bias-related assault identified Philip Cooney (MSB ‘10) as one of his attackers on two separate instances, Lt. Alberto Jova, the commanding officer of the Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit for the Metropolitan Police Department said on Monday.


Georgetown, serve justice for LaHannah now—and restructure your institutions so this does not happen again

The university must develop comprehensive institutional mechanisms to achieve justice for survivors of hate crimes.


Students continue decades-long push for Asian American Studies at Georgetown

The summit takes place at a time of heightened anti-Asian sentiment and an uptick in hate crimes toward people of Asian descent.


A tough late-night call

Georgetown has been grappling with the issue of sexual harassment for some time. From hate crimes to sex crimes and everything in between, our campus community has been plagued by an unhealthy and often dangerous sexual dynamic. The situations in which harassment are most likely to occur often involve alcohol, which sometimes makes the decision of how to react to it more difficult.


LGTBQ activists reflect on Newsweek rankings

Of all the arbitrary college rankings that have recently been released, one stands out as particularly puzzling: Georgetown’s 24th place showing on Newsweek’s “Best Gay Friendly Schools” list. When it comes to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender issues, Georgetown’s recent history is marred by hate crimes and institutional intolerance. But some said the ranking reflects ongoing institutional efforts to improve the on-campus environment for LGBTQ students and faculty.


Georgetown is still not LGBTQ friendly enough, critics charge

A prominent national figure in a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender advocacy group is pressuring Georgetown’s administration to better ensure the safety of Georgetown students following what he characterizes is a feeble response from the University to the homophobic hate crimes that occurred on campus in the past few years.


Performing LGBTQ Awareness

In the wake of the two hate crimes against LGBTQ students that occurred at Georgetown earlier this year, Nomadic Theater’s Square Pegs Productions will present a staged reading of Moises Kaufman’s The Laramie Project tonight.


Making Georgetown proud, finally

DeGioia’s announcements were a long time coming. This fall’s two homophobic hate crimes highlighted Georgetown’s need for a resource center and for major changes in campus culture.