We will all benefit from a society that ensures the inclusion and security of all people—something that will only come with reforming the way we provide long-term care and the way we see disability
For Georgetown faculty, finding affordable care for young children is near-impossible. In facing an American child care crisis aggravated by the pandemic, the university must step up to meet the challenge.
Georgetown students on Tuesday got the rare opportunity to hear a coronavirus update from Dr. Anthony Fauci himself. Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and... Read more
Besides the standard textbook, General Chemistry II students have a new item to purchase for class this summer: a hands-on laboratory kit complete with chemicals, gloves, goggles, and other equipment... Read more
"With the rise in anti-Asian sentiment, I can’t help but feel uneasy in the rare times I do leave my house since the stay-at-home orders began. I wonder if the man who pushes his cart past mine in the supermarket sees me and feels hate. I worry if today might be the day some crazed stranger passes me or my family and reacts violently. "
Every day, over 300,000 classrooms nationwide are missing teachers. The United States currently faces an overwhelming shortage of public K-12 educators despite growing student enrollment. In teacher-training programs, the number... Read more
Since their introduction to the D.C. landscape in September 2017, electric scooters, or e-scooters, have become as ubiquitous as rats in the Georgetown neighborhood. It is not uncommon to trip... Read more