
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


Medical marijuana delayed in the District

Despite the passage of D.C.’s new medical marijuana law in May, chronically ill patients in the District are likely to see their wait for medicinal cannabis extended even further. The city’s regulations are still in the process of being finalized.


City on a Hill: Libation regulation

When the Georgetown freshmen who are just getting comfortable at off-campus house parties start to explore D.C.’s nightlife scene, they will find subpar bars and exorbitant prices throughout the city.


Burglary in Village A as DPS increases presence

On Tuesday night, the Department of Public Safety reported the fifth burglary in Village A since Oct. 16. The burglary, which resulted in a laptop theft, comes days after the Department of Public Safety and Residence Life announced new security measures.


GUSA proposes hike in Student Activities Fee

On Wednesday night, the Georgetown University Student Association Senate released a final draft proposal for the Student Activities Fee and Endowment Reform legislation, including the exact proposed increase in fees.


Pell Grants in doubt after GOP takeover

With newly established Republican majority in the House of Representatives pledging to make broad cuts to nondefense discretionary spending, the future of many Georgetown students’ federal student aid is unclear.


LeVay talks sexual orientation

Those were the questions posed by neuroscientist Dr. Simon LeVay on Tuesday when he argued to a room of about 200 Georgetown students and faculty members that, though the details remain unclear...


Saxa Politica: No place like home

The Saturday morning of Parent’s Weekend, parents and their groggy sophomores filed into Gaston Hall to hear a panel. The discussion on study abroad, which veered off on strange tangents about various disaster scenarios


Uribe’s return to campus greeted by protest

The Adiós Uribe coalition, a group that has been calling for the dismissal of former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe from his position as a Distinguished Scholar in the Practice of Global Leadership at Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service, protested once again in Red Square on Wednesday afternoon as Uribe led a guest lecture in the Bunn Intercultural Center. Citing his poor human rights record, several activists and Georgetown professors congregated at a bench in front of the White Gravenor patio.


DPS, ResLife react to surge of burglaries in Village A

Since Oct. 16, Village A has seen four burglaries and one attempted forced entry. The crimes have prompted the Department of Public Safety to hold a town hall meeting with Residence Life and increase patrols in the area. In all but one of the Village A burglaries, the residents had left their doors unlocked. According to the Associate Director of DPS Joseph Smith, the four burglaries occurred in blocks D and E of Village A, and suspects typically stole laptops.


College Republicans celebrate, Dems mourn losses

“There’s absolutely boundless enthusiasm right now,” Sam Dulik (SFS ’13), a member of the Georgetown University College Republicans, said Tuesday night. Dulik and his fellow College Republicans were celebrating the midterm election results and the return of Republican control of the House of Representatives in Village C Alumni Lounge. Cheering each time an election was called for a Republican, the students in Alumni Lounge snacked on chicken wings and cupcakes.


News hit: Early apps rise

Although the number of prospective students who applied early to Georgetown University dropped in 2009, Georgetown’s Early Action applicants hit a record high this year. Georgetown has received well over 6,500 early applications postmarked by the Nov. 1 deadline, according to statistics provided by the Admissions Office. This number marks a significant increase from last year’s 6,124 applicants. The drop which caused a decline in selectivity. The percentage of students accepted rose.


City on a Hill: The District’s forgotten second party

On Tuesday night, in a small, dimly lit Adams Morgan bar, the old guard of the D.C. Statehood Green Party gathered together for an election party. The crowd, which was heavy on tweed coats, traded stories from their daytime campaigning. They booed audibly when a close race was called for the Republicans and cheered when the Democrats hung on to another seat. The bar’s choice to tune into Fox News proved controversial and the loud commentary about the on-air antics


Weekend drug bust in Harbin

Two of the three students arrested on Saturday for possession of and intent to manufacture and distribute the hallucinogenic drug Dimethyltryptamine appeared in U.S. District Court for arraignment on Wednesday. Georgetown student Charles Smith (COL‘14) and University of Richmond freshman John Perrone were released into the custody of their parents and allowed to return home to Massachusetts. Smith and Perrone must reside at their family addresses under strict curfew.


Harbin resident arrested

On Tuesday night, just two days after the Metropolitan Police Department made its first drug-related arrest on Georgetown’s campus since 2005, another resident of Harbin Hall, Kelly Baltazar (COL ’14), was arrested for possession of marijuana with intent to distribute. Baltazar was arrested on Tuesday after the Department of Public Safety notified members of the Narcotics and Special Investigations Division of MPD that she was “selling marijuana on the Georgetown campus."


New five-year faculty salary plan awaits approval

In January 2011, Georgetown professors will likely see a 1.5 percent increase in their salaries as part of the new five-year faculty salary plan proposed by the Main Campus Planning Committee in early October. The plan’s enactment is dependent on approval from the Provost and the Board of Directors. Last spring, the Main Campus Planning Committee, which reports to the Provost and Board of Directors, proposed no salary increases for faculty and staff for fiscal year 2011.


Jewish students search for new rabbi

While Georgetown’s Rabbi Harold White officially retired from his full-time position at the University at the end of last spring semester, the process of finding his replacement is just getting started. On Wednesday, Andrew Levine (COL ’11) and Merav Levkowitz (SFS ’11) held an open house at the Jewish Community house on 36th Street and invited students to come and share their opinions on the ongoing search for White’s replacement.


ZipCars at Georgetown?

This week, Georgetown University Student Association President Calen Angert (MSB ’11) and Vice President Jason Kluger (MSB ’11) announced that they are searching for ways to fulfill one of their campaign promises to bring ZipCars to Georgetown’s Main Campus for students 18 and over. Georgetown University has offered two ZipCars at the Law Center since 2004 to students, faculty, and staff who are 21 and over. Currently, there are no ZipCars located on the Main Campus.


Saxa Politica: If I had $1.9 million…

Last fall, some Georgetown University Student Association senators made an alarming discovery: they were short an expected $8.2 million in student funds. Every year, students pay a $100 Student Activities Fee, but we only use half of it every year to provide approximately $315,000 in club funding. Ever since the student activity fee was created in 2001, the other half of the fee has gone into the Georgetown Student Activities Fee Endowment, a section of the larger University endowment.


GUSA announces Student Activity Fee reform

On Wednesday, the Georgetown University Student Association Financial and Appropriations Committee announced that it will now appropriate the entirety of the $100 yearly Student Activities Fee toward funding student clubs through the Advisory Boards. Since 2001, half of the student activities fees paid by undergraduates have gone to an endowment that was supposed to have accrued enough interest by now to be self-sustaining. That endowment, now at roughly $1.9 million, is not expected to mature.


Capital Bikeshare set to launch in Georgetown next week

Students seeking a new way to escape the Georgetown bubble are in luck. Capital Bikeshare, a program that offers daily, monthly, and yearly access to communal bikes across the District of Columbia and Arlington Va., plans to install a new station at 37 and O Streets by early next week. The station is being installed as an alternative to the originally proposed site in front of the Car Barn at Prospect and 36 Streets.