
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


GAGE wins increased wages, improved benefits in new contract

The Georgetown Alliance of Graduate Employees (GAGE), which represents the over 1,000 graduate workers at Georgetown, ratified their second successful contract campaign on Aug. 18 with 98.7 percent approval from... Read more


DeGioia talks class-conscious admissions, GUPD, and more

Every semester, the editor-in-chief of the Voice has sat down with President John DeGioia to talk through pressing issues facing the Georgetown community. While the tradition went on hiatus during... Read more


GU Politics Fellows talk hope and resilience in a divided political sphere

Darius Wagner (CAS ’27), frequently watched CNN Senior Political Analyst Nia-Malika Henderson on TV alongside his family. He was able to pose a question directly to her and the five... Read more


Dr. Robert P. Jones, panelists speak about new book on white Christian nationalism in Riggs

President of the Public Religion Research Institute Robert P. Jones and other panelists spoke about Jones’s newest book, “The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy and the Path to a Shared... Read more


60th anniversary of March on Washington is a testament to activist determination

Sixty years after Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his renowned “I Have a Dream” speech, almost 75,000 people gathered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to rally for... Read more


Beloved mascot Jack the Bulldog passes after four years at Georgetown

This semester, Georgetown students, faculty, and staff,  returned to a campus without a Jack. Georgetown’s canine mascot IROC Casagrande John F. Carroll, better known as Jack the Bulldog, suddenly passed... Read more


Georgetown forced to rethink admissions as affirmative action is struck down

Georgetown will be one of many institutions of higher education forced to reconsider its admissions practices this fall following a Supreme Court decision on June 29 that ruled affirmative action... Read more


One killed, five injured in collision at MedStar Georgetown Hospital

One person was killed and another five were injured when a driver hit pedestrians with a truck in the MedStar Georgetown University Hospital parking garage on July 20. Jewel Regina... Read more


Faculty concerns stall plans to rename SFS after Madeleine Albright, spark debate

Faculty concerns have delayed Georgetown SFS and University Leadership’s plans to rename the SFS in honor of the late Former Secretary of State and Georgetown Professor Madeleine Albright, which were... Read more


Dr. Anthony Fauci joins Georgetown School of Medicine, merging his medicine and public policy expertise to teach the next generation

Renowned immunologist and infectious disease researcher Dr. Anthony Fauci will join Georgetown School of Medicine as a Distinguished University Professor, the university announced Monday morning.  Fauci was offered the school’s... Read more


Ralph Lauren Cancer Center debuts in Ward 8 to combat healthcare inequity

The Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Prevention opened in Ward 8 on April 17 thanks to $25 million in grant funding from The Ralph Lauren Corporate Foundation.


Angela Davis talks Black joy, power of community in Gaston Hall lecture

Abolitionist and civil rights icon Dr. Angela Davis spoke of strength in collectivity to a packed Gaston Hall on the morning of April 27.


Student speakers cycle through “Seasons for Change” in TEDxGeorgetown2023

Ten speakers chronicled their life experiences and personal growth at the 12th annual TEDxGeorgetown event on April 23.


Despite looming closures, Yellow Line to reopen after eight months

After the line’s eight-month-long closure, The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) will fully reopen the Yellow Line to customers on May 7 under operational changes projected to increase the frequency of Metro service downtown. 


“Faces of Climate Change” photography contest uses art for climate justice

The Georgetown Environmental Justice Program brought the Faces of Climate Change art installation to the ICC galleria last week from April 17-22. The exhibit featured works from the Faces of Climate Change photography contest launched by Nishita Karad in 2022, and highlighted stories left out by the “Western-centric narrative” that Karad said exists in the global conversation about climate change.


Autobots, don’t roll out: Georgetown community defends Transformer sculptures

The towering Transformers sculptures on Prospect Street, NW, are facing an old foe from 2021—a three-person federal board determined to get rid of them.


Dismantling rape culture with Marlee Liss for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Marlee Liss, award-winning speaker and author of Re-Humanize, held discussions with Georgetown students about alternative resolutions to sexual assault cases and heteronormativity in sexual education on April 12 and 13.


D.C. the first U.S. city to establish local SNAP benefits for recipients

On March 10, a D.C. Council bill to increase the minimum monthly Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) payment became law, making D.C. the first U.S. city to implement local SNAP benefits. The “Give SNAP a Raise Amendment Act,” originally introduced by councilmember Christina Henderson in December 2022, proposed a 10 percent increase in SNAP benefits for all District recipients to match expenses under the Low-Cost Food Plan (LCFP) outlined by the USDA.


Georgetown hosts second annual Tech & Society week

At 10 a.m. on Monday, March 27, a group gathered at 500 1st Street to discuss privacy enhancing technologies and kick off Georgetown's second annual Tech & Society Week.


Hoya Harvest Garden blooms atop Regents

The Hoya Harvest Garden opens on the Regents Hall fourth floor patio this spring, providing food for the local community and a space for students and faculty to learn about responsible food systems.