
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


DeGioia agrees to Pride demands

Georgetown University President John DeGioia committed last night to a fully-funded and fully-staffed resource center for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning students by fall of next year.


Flags raise abortion awareness during Life Week

3,534 pink and blue flags, representing the number of fetuses aborted every day, dotted Copley Lawn on Wednesday. The flag display was the most visible of a series of education, advocacy and service events organized by GU Right to Life for their annual Life Week.


Protesters hit G’town

Restaurant-goers pressed their faces to the windows and civilians lined the streets in a deluge of rain to observe several hundred protestors turning onto Wisconsin Avenue last Friday night.


GUSA, Corp take (Eco) Action

The Student Association, the Corp and EcoAction are launching new initiatives aimed at improving environmental responsibility on campus.


CMEA’s boon

A Georgetown program that provides college preparatory services to low-income middle and high school students in the District will get a large boost due to a recent gift. The Meyers Institute for College Preparation, a program of the Center for Multicultural Equity and Access, will use the additional funds to expand their program by 500 students over the next ten years.


Saxa Politica: GPB not ready for the big time

Georgetown finally did the impossible: bring a performer on campus that students recognize, if not exactly respect. A dismal production, though, frustrated students who were not expecting the utter chaos that they found.


Thousands greet Dalai Lama on the Mall

Georgetown students were among the thousands that gathered on the West Lawn of the Capitol as the Dalai Lama received the Congressional Gold Medal on Wednesday.


New firing powers proposed for D.C. schools chancellor

D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty proposed legislation Friday to give his newly-appointed schools’ Chancellor Michelle Rhee increased authority to fire previously protected employees.


Marching on Georgetown

Activists will descend on Georgetown Friday as part of a series of protests to disrupt the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group.


Poet’s honor

“I still don’t know what poetry is,” Dr. Edward Hirsch said at the annual fall faculty convocation on Wednesday.


Stopping harrassment

Marty Langelan has been harassed since she was six. At age nine, she wouldn’t go down to the store for bread and milk because a group of men who hung around the corner would say “creepy things” to her.


Israeli Ad Sparks Debate

A Georgetown University law professor’s letter confronting University President John DeGioia sparked a debate on academic freedom, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, when the professor spoke in front of an audience of more than fifty Law Center students and faculty Tuesday.


City on a Hill: Zoning out

Washington’s contentious zone system for taxi fares will soon be replaced with meters, Mayor Adrian Fenty announced yesterday.


DeGioia not Coming Out this week

University President John DeGioia decided not to participate in an open forum during National Coming Out Week. The week’s events come in the wake a recent alleged hate crime involving Georgetown students, which led to a large rally last week and promises of greater cooperation between the University administration and GU Pride leaders.


City Council offers incentives for hybrid cars

The Council of the District of Columbia is currently considering a bill that, if passed, would offer incentives to city cab companies to use more hybrid vehicles in their fleets.


Fires reveal WASA chaos

An October 1st fire in Adams Morgan burned for seven hours while firefighters struggled to find adequate water volume in the District of Columbia’s water mains, according to fire officials. This incident, along with an April fire in Georgetown, has exposed the poor condition of the District’s water mains, and the questionable actions of the agency that maintains them.


Law prof vs. DeGioia over Israel comments

A Georgetown Law Center professor is criticizing President John DeGioia’s decision to sign an advertisement on behalf of Georgetown University in opposition to a boycott of Israeli universities.


Lighting a candle for Burmese protesters

“It may seem strange to take time to do nothing, to say nothing, at a time when we’re so conscious of the need for action in Burma,” Father Laurence Freeman O.S.B., a Benedictine monk, said last night at a candlelight vigil for the protesters in Burma.


Days of rage

The Georgetown neighborhood will be the target of an October 19th march planned by the October Coalition as part of a three-day campaign against the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.


Degree awarded

Georgetown University awarded an honorary degree to the founder of a nationwide school network for low-income students Tuesday.