
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Class of 2017 admissions process stays honest

Last week, Georgetown released its annual Admissions Report for the Class of 2017. Keeping with recent trends, the University boasts a remarkably low acceptance rate of  17 percent.  In spite... Read more


Being white doesn’t mean you’re not Hispanic

At a party early in my freshman year, I told a boy that I was Cuban. He immediately responded, “No you’re not.” As intelligently as I could given the effects... Read more


Carrying On: Government must join Digital Age

In 2008, President Obama was heralded as the future leader of the digital age. His campaign was the first real internet campaign, combining social media with digital metrics. For those... Read more


It should be okay for girls to like boy bands and video games

Let’s be honest, you don’t hate The Backstreet Boys or Justin Bieber. You don’t hate their music, you just can’t stand their fans. Despite their success, Justin Bieber and One... Read more


Federal government transition online poses potential problems

Moving governmental functions onto a collective website could result in security threats and unproductive discourse. Instead of making the government more accessible and streamlined, moving the government online could mean... Read more


GOP hypocrisy: Not all security issues are created equal

I pulled into the parking lot at work—a little late, NPR humming on the radio. Stepping out of the car, I picked up a bag of clipboards out of the... Read more


Sexual assault a cultural problem, not a self-help issue

The first time I got drunk, I was 17 and at my cousin’s house in London. I’d had alcohol before, but never enough to feel that hazy lightness I’d heard... Read more


Carrying On: Vaulting success despite racism

When you Google search “Simone Biles,” the top hits are not about how she left Belgium earlier this month as the most decorated gymnast of the 2013 World Championships. They... Read more


Nobel Peace Prize obsolete and based on media attention

Early in the morning on Friday, Oct. 11, media outlets lit up with the announcement that the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize had been awarded to the Organization for the Prohibition... Read more


Grab-and-Give cheats students and homeless

The student group G.I.V.E.S., an organization committed to assisting marginalized populations, teamed up with H.O.P.E., a student group that seeks to provide food to D.C.’s homeless population, and Aramark this... Read more


Johnson perilous choice for Homeland Security

Jeh Johnson, formerly the Department of Defense’s top lawyer, accepted President Obama’s nomination to head the Department of Homeland Security last Friday. In an address made at Oxford last November,... Read more


Carrying On: Iran, U.S. ready to make nice?

Iran finally seems ready to cut a deal with the West on its nuclear program—it’s just a matter of the West being ready to do the same. The United States... Read more


Stigmatized maladies: Mentally ill need our support, too

I’ll never forget the day she told me “I wish it was cancer,” because no one could ever wish for cancer. Cancer sucks and everyone knows it. Cancer is probably... Read more


It’s time to give common workers the microphone and listen

A dollar is a snack from the New South vending machine, a drink from Hoya Snaxa, or one-fourth of a vanilla iced chai latte at Uncommon Grounds. It’s a short... Read more


Free condoms at parties may encourage sexual assault

Rape is frequently ignored when dealing with the idea of the “party scene” because of the lack of informed discussion surrounding sex crimes. For this reason, there’s a chance that... Read more


Condom delivery service makes students safer

Today, H*yas for Choice took a positive step forward by establishing a new condom delivery service on campus. The program will let students request condoms and pamphlets to distribute at... Read more


Rights of workers at risk in new Hoya Court

With the introduction of new restaurants in Hoya Court, concerns regarding the extension of the Just Employment Policy to all campus workers have emerged among unions and student activist groups.... Read more


Shutdown shows need for budget autonomy

Over the last few days, the effects of the government shutdown have wreaked havoc on D.C.’s budget.  As the Voice went to press it seemed that Congress was moving toward... Read more


Beauty shouldn’t be standardized at expense of identity

Last month, talk show host Julie Chen revealed on The Talk that she had undergone plastic surgery on her eyes after being told by both her boss and an agent,... Read more


Carrying On: Give me some privacy, please

There’s nothing more exciting than when an old institution learns new tricks. Georgetown has recently made a number of strides in integrating modern technology into University life—GUTS and SafeRides now... Read more