
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Don’t let the Campus Plan go up in smoke

On Dec. 30, Georgetown filed its 2010 Campus Plan with the D.C. Zoning Commission. The plan includes renovations to Lauinger Library, a new student center in New South, and a new athletic training facility on campus. President John DeGioia said the campus plan “represents modest, targeted growth opportunities that will meet our strategic needs for the next decade, enabling us to further strengthen our position as one of the world’s leading universities.” But for the Citizens Association of Georgetown and the Burleith Citizens Association, even modest University growth has become unacceptable, and both groups have expressed strong, and unjustified, opposition to the plan.


Tunisian uprising is a message of change

When Mohamed Bouazizi lit himself on fire over a month ago to protest the confiscation of his fruit and vegetable cart in the resort city of Sidi Bouzid, almost nobody could have predicted the immense popular uprising that would soon engulf Tunisia. After sustained protests spread across the nation and into the capital of Tunis, Tunisians—from middle class professionals to the urban poor—eventually succeeded in ousting the authoritarian United States-backed regime of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.


Late bloomer close to realizing her gasoline fight dream

For most people, their sophomore year of high school was a time of sweet sixteen parties and the increased independence that came with learning how to drive. For me, it was the year I had no friends and watched Zoolander every weekend.


Big Brother: Leo’s edition

The Leo J. O’Donovan Dining Hall is many things to many people. It is a study spot, a breeding ground for awkward situations, a prime observation point for Like A Little posts, and a veritable feast of subpar foods. Regardless of how students view Leo’s, it is one of the most familiar places on campus.


A petition to the Academy on behalf of How to Train Your Dragon

I’ve never been big on award shows, nor do I consider myself a movie buff. I admit that I have made bets on Oscar ballots, but I would be willing to bet on anything, as long as I can make it a competition among my family or friends. This year, however, I plan on following the Academy Awards with as much passion as I bring to family-night Scattergories. How to Train Your Dragon, reeling from its defeat at the Golden Globes, will most likely go head to head with Toy Story 3 for Best Animated Film.


A student’s search for artifacts a century after rediscovery

I always imagine that great wonders in this world are discovered intact, uninhabited, and preserved. I imagined that American explorer Hiram Bingham stumbled upon Machu Picchu much like Disney explorers unearth El Dorado or Atlantis, but as I sat on a large stone slab—perhaps once monument to a priestly order or perhaps just a stone—I learned Bingham’s discovery of Machu Picchu was actually a rediscovery.


Pooh preview delights, but fans will have to bear letdown

After watching only seconds of Disney’s new trailer for Winnie the Pooh, which features copious honey references, a so-depressed-it’s-kind-of-funny Eeyore, and as much nostalgia as possible, I looked into purchasing a ticket for opening night. Apparently the pre-order service is not provided six months in advance.


Two of a kind? Born as a twin, living as an individual

One September day of my senior year in high school, my twin sister and I were riding the Metro when a stranger did a double take and walked over to where we were seated. Right on cue, he began rattling through the usual list of questions, and some new ones.


Capitol punishment: Resume requires political betrayal

Last semester, like so many other Georgetown students eager to get their foot in the political door, I braved the Hill as a congressional intern. Although I was reluctant to sacrifice my class-free mornings and Friday afternoons, the prospect of observing the democratic process was too exciting to pass up.


GUSA referendum: A good idea gone wrong

One month ago, the Voice endorsed Georgetown University Student Associations’s proposal for Student Activities Fee Endowment reform. It was clear that the current club funding structure was no longer a viable plan. However, the final reforms that GUSA put to vote did not afford students the opportunity to fully express their will.


University website meets the 21st century

This past week, the University launched a new Georgetown.edu website, a little over a year after administrators first solicited student feedback on the project. Both its cosmetic and functional changes are significant improvements over the last website, and it will serve the University’s current students and attract new ones for years to come.


Back down on taxes, step up on START, DADT

On Dec. 6, after weeks of negotiation, President Obama announced a deal with Republicans that will extend the Bush tax cuts for all Americans, including those who make over $250,000, for two more years. This “compromise” was undeniably one-sided. Obama surrendered on one of his central campaign promises.


Carrying On: Compromising Values

Back in late 2004, when George W. Bush was poised to win a second presidential term and Barack Obama was still a lowly state representative campaigning for a Senate seat, you probably would have shrugged if anyone had asked you about the long-term fiscal position of the country. Everything seemed to be fine.


Crimes of opportunity knocking on our doors

In the last month alone, a string of six robberies in Georgetown’s Village A apartments, an attempted abduction, and at least 12 reports of laptop theft have left students questioning their safety and security. The actions taken by Associate Director of Public Safety Joseph Smith and DPS in response to these crimes are steps in the right direction, but Georgetown students and administrators still have a great deal of work to do to get campus security up to par.


A surplus of city services in D.C.’s budget cuts

Even before he takes office in January, D.C. Council Chair and Mayor-elect Vincent Gray (D) will be a part of the strenuous process of dealing with D.C’s budget problems. Over the next two years, his administration will have to slash 583 million dollars from the District’s ballooning deficit by either raising taxes or cutting popular programs and services. While neither option is likely to win him friends, Gray must take a hard look at next year’s budget to bring services in line with the economic realities of a city still struggling to exit the recession.


The national drinking age is too damn high!

According to the FDA, the mixture of caffeine and alcohol in drinks like Four Loko, Joose, and Moonshot leads to more dangerous drinking behaviors, especially in teens and college students. After many states had already banned alcoholic energy drinks, the FDA ruled on Nov. 17 that the added caffeine is an “unsafe food additive,” effectively forcing drink makers to remove the caffeine from their products. This decision is both shortsighted and impractical.


Department of Public Safety, why do I feel so unsafe?

“I’m off duty in 15 minutes. You can fuck up your lives all you want after that.” That is not exactly what you would expect to hear from a Department of Public Safety officer on a Saturday night—yet I have. Underage partying and subsequent DPS party-busting are regular weekend activities at Georgetown.


Kanye West remains a fan’s beautiful dark twisted fantasy

It’s been just over a week since Kanye West released his latest album, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy , and the verdict is already in: it’s a classic. MBDTF debuted as the number-one album in the country. It has received perfect ratings from Pitchfork, Rolling Stone, and countless other publications.


SAFEguarding student life: Vote yes on fee reforms

“As students concerned with building a campus community … we believe that a current systematic neglect of student life issues means a neglect of the whole person. The Main Campus manifests this neglect primarily in areas of the funding of student organizations and activities.” These words are not recent.


Carrying On: Porterfield reconsidered

Anyone who has used CHARMS, Georgetown’s online roommate matching service, knows that first impressions are sometimes incredibly wrong. One of my current roommates and I unknowingly talked for the first time through CHARMS, but we did not decide to live together freshman year. We were in the same New Student Orientation group.