
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Deb balls & bolo ties: high society in the heart of Texas

Last April I was faced with a difficult decision—to be, or not to be, a Dallas debutante. As the youngest of four, the only daughter, and a member of an... Read more


Lost in the crowd: life of a shawty in a tall, tall world

Remember when you were in about fifth grade, having that big growth spurt, and you were suddenly—awkwardly—the tallest person in your class? When your notch on the “How Tall Are... Read more


Tour de Georgetown: cyclist pops the G’town bubble

Some of my girlfriends like to check out the bikers on campus. I prefer to check out the bikes. Ever since I was a child, I loved biking. I couldn’t... Read more


Teacher firings call for explanation

An 18 hour D.C. Council hearing last Friday that featured over 100 petitioners proved that tensions are still high in the District of Columbia Public School System over the recent... Read more


FCC should keep the Internet open

Today, the Federal Communications Commission will begin to decide the future of the internet by deciding whether it will make regulations to protect net neutrality. The Commission should insert itself... Read more


Message alerts missing at Madness

Although Midnight Madness is usually a less-than-apt moniker for an event that ends well before the zero hour, the event lived up to the second half of its name Friday... Read more


Come on ride the train: hike gas taxes, fix WMATA

The summer of 2008 was a fantastic time for those in D.C. who often gaze wistfully at efficient and popular public transportation systems of European cities. It seemed as though... Read more


The space race is over: what’s the new frontier?

This past Monday we celebrated Columbus Day, or Indigenous Peoples’ Day—depending on the number of Whole Foods in your neighborhood—in honor of the man who crossed an ocean and introduced... Read more


Back to school in Africa, one pen at a time

Imagine waking up for that 8:50 class on Friday morning and actually wanting to sit through another lecture. You stumble through the rows of seats, still hazy from last night’s... Read more


Global responsibility: a Nobel worthy cause

First off, congratulations are due to our President. But when I first heard Friday morning that Barack Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize, which I thought was given for... Read more


Campus turned on by power saving

Environmentalism at Georgetown always comes with a caveat. The Intercultural Center is solar-powered, but only partially, and there is no plan to replace the solar panels when they stop producing... Read more


Registrar leaves students waiting

Take a walk through Georgetown’s campus, and it is quickly apparent that students are busy—with clubs, jobs, internships, and, most importantly, classes. Planning ahead of time keeps students from being... Read more


Money needed in the Golden State

Living in California, you quickly get accustomed to political mortification. From electing an Austrian action movie hero Governor to passing Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage after the state’s Supreme... Read more


Rio Olympics: Brazil goes for the gold in 2016

On October 2, the International Olympic Committee determined that Rio de Janeiro would host the 2016 Olympics. Several videos immediately appeared on YouTube showing the wild celebrations following the announcement,... Read more


Same-sex marriage: make it happen in the District

It’s been well over a century since the ratification of the 14th Amendment granted all persons equal protection under the law. In spite of this, millions of gay and lesbian... Read more


The free market for student loans isn’t really free

The following is a response to a Voices piece by Nick Troiano (COL ‘11) published by the Voice on October 1, which harshly criticized the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility... Read more


Alcohol busts harsh on students

Last Thursday, Georgetown’s Department of Public Safety released its report on campus crime in 2008. Some of the numbers, including a 47 percent rise in main campus thefts, are distressing.... Read more


Gay marriage good news for D.C.

Last Tuesday, the nation’s capital came one step closer to achieving full civil rights and equality for its residents. Councilmember David Catania (I-At-Large) (SFS ‘90, LAW ‘94) introduced the “Religious... Read more


GU should embrace open access

Georgetown talks about “educating the whole person” a lot, and its professors have been known to complain that their students are more interested in earning high grades than they are... Read more


Breaking the glass ceiling: oysters with the boys

For a grotesque portion of my life, I pushed picky eating to its furthest limits. I refused to eat nearly anything that wasn’t pizza, macaroni, or bread until I was... Read more