
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


Minding the gap: lessons learned during a year off

I did not go to school last year. For the first time since toddlerhood, I woke up on September 1st and did not pack up my new Jansport full of... Read more


Hitting the G-20 spot in Pittsburgh

The list of the host cities of the G-20 Leaders Summits for this year has a bit of a jarring finish: D.C., London, and … Pittsburgh? New York City, or... Read more


A teacher, mentor and friend: Thomas M. King, S.J.

When I was a senior, my sister Colleen (SFS ’86) was a freshman.  As a dutiful older brother, I did my best to offer tidbits of advice that would ease... Read more


Don’t let yourself get lost in the Haze

There are some days, like when the planes hit the World Trade Center or when President Kennedy was assassinated, that people will always remember exactly where they were. September 17,... Read more

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Hey, wanna make out? Oh … a handshake is cool too

Inhabiting a campus as culturally eclectic as Georgetown, I often find myself unsure of the proper way to greet someone. Should I give a hug, a kiss on the cheek,... Read more


Let’s talk about sex (columns), baby

Am I really “insecure and therefore date a myriad of boys to fuel [my] self-esteem”? Am I engaging in “sloppy dance floor make-outs, desperate dating habits and countless relationships that... Read more


Supernatural effect of a 13 year-old’s first album

Until I was thirteen, I never owned a CD. Or a cassette tape. Not even an old eight-track. The only vinyl in my life was a yellow rain coat. The... Read more

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Identity crisis? Hong Kong’s unique cultural fusion

When asked, I say that I am from Hong Kong. People always ask me why I don’t say that I am from China. Never have I denied that I am... Read more


Transparency needed on student-centric plans

In the coming months, students will have their say on the University’s Ten Year Plan, according to Vice President for Student Affairs Todd Olson, who said that the administration would... Read more


9/11 remembered: a ringing phone and rising smoke

I don’t like to answer the phone. Even when my caller ID tells me who is calling, my throat still tightens and a small pit forms in my stomach. The... Read more


Healthcare, money, and you

Here’s an oft-cited figure in the debate over health care reform: U.S. health care expenditures—16 percent of gross domestic product in 2007—are outpacing GDP growth by so much that the... Read more


U.S. past point of no return in Afghanistan

In an editorial last Tuesday, Washington Post columnist George Will, a prominent conservative voice, called for “rapidly reversing the trajectory of America’s involvement in Afghanistan.”  The piece was plainly titled:... Read more


Sibling love from the backyard to the battlefield

“You’re the look-out. So you can’t fall asleep, otherwise we will fail our mission,” Stuart said. “If you complete your mission, you will be promoted to a lieutenant sneak. You... Read more


NSO overload leaves former freshman feeling cold

Only one short year ago I was an incoming freshman—soon to be alone and already scared.  This is where New Student Orientation is supposed to help you. On the whole,... Read more


Slim health facts can’t hide expanding waistlines

Of the various health care bills currently floating around the House and Senate, the late Senator Ted Kennedy’s committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) wrote the one with... Read more


Waxman-Markey overlooks outsourced emissions

With the passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act (also known as the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill), the House of Representatives took a bold step to address the long-neglected... Read more


Steel Butterflies and the Back to School Blues

I briefly considered retiring from my formal education a few days ago. It seemed to me that I had had enough—for real this time. The thought of going back to... Read more


This Georgetown Life: Stories of College Infancy

I was awakened by a knock on my door around 10 a.m. on Homecoming Weekend my freshman year. At the door was a preppy, intoxicated senior followed by an apologetic,... Read more


10 Year Plan: Then and Now

On a Saturday morning in late May, a handful of Georgetown administrators gathered at the nearby Duke Ellington School for a five-hour sparring match with the neighbors. It was the... Read more

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GUSA President: Open Letter to Incoming Students

When trying to define the Georgetown University Student Association (GUSA), I have not found a succinct statement that adequately encompasses every aspect of this organization. In essence, GUSA consists of... Read more