
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


I fought the law …

At first I lied to my mother. She asked whether or not I had been arrested at the International Monetary Fund and World Bank demonstrations last month, and how could I straight up tell her the truth? After a miserable 26 hours handcuffed in the custody of the D.


Sexy Girl Scouts and bacon bits

Though some of us believe we are too old or too cool to still dress up, hot-pants Heidi and S&M Spiderwoman were already defying the norm of preppiness at the Guards last Saturday. Many more young women will freeze radiantly beneath pink wigs, feather boas, fish nets, fake eyelashes and little else Thursday through Saturday.


A plum village of the mind (more clich?s)

Early October, the south of France. I lay languidly, rocking from side to side in my hammock, the Mediterranean sun streaking through the dense foliage, a gentle breeze gusting through the vineyards, carrying the smell of fresh figs and the last remnants of late morning mist.


A good walk ruined

What would you call a person who took delight in whacking a tiny spherical object hundreds of yards toward a barely-visible goal? To make things more interesting, imagine that the ball had to be no more than 1.680 inches in diameter, couldn’t weigh more than 45.


The girl who whimpered rape

We enter an apartment; why are we alone? After this my memory is muddled, hazy. I vividly see myself entering the doorway. My smile fades, I feel frightened. Through a cloud of alcohol … he is on top of me. I open and close my eyes, lethargic and sedated.



The Georgetown Voice takes mistakes seriously. We will correct all mistakes of fact in our stories and publish appropriate clarifications as soon as possible. “Students participate in death penalty awareness,” which appeared in the Oct. 17 issue of the Voice, incorrectly referred to the speaker at “Live from Death Row,” as a pardoned death row inmate.


The Manassas diaries

There were four of us that early Monday morn, four sad bastards facing futures without certainty. There was Redding, the erstwhile philosophy student from Georgia who owned one too many scarves. There was Mike, a sexual deviant from Arizona with a quick wit and a goatee.


Letter to the Editor

I read with interest your editorial “Time to ask and tell” (Oct. 10, 2002). There are real costs to integrating the openly gay into the ranks. This is not to say that those costs may not be worthy of the goal, but let’s fully understand the ramifications of what you are advocating.


Now back it up

You might have heard of “Minnesota Nice,” but as far as I’m concerned, it stops right where my personal bubble starts. Throughout my childhood, I didn’t like to touch people in public. I’m not talking about regular public displays of affection, although I rarely support that either.


We fear evil, for the Lord is not with us

They say we are given to experience God’s will only in very small ways. Well, dude, I ain’t feeling it at all. I’m pretty sure, in fact, that the will of God is entirely absent from my Henle home. No, I have not found Jesus, and I doubt he would dare set foot in my apartment, for the good Lord would shudder at the crime against nature that is Georgetown’s housing arrangements.


Straight from the child’s mouth herself

Stepping off the plane in Dallas last Friday amidst cowboy hats and wide-open spaces, I was immediately thrown into the pulsating mixture of my relatives?great aunts from California, second cousins from Oklahoma, parents from Missouri?all in Dallas to celebrate my great-grandmother’s 90th birthday.


Most likely to secede

Last spring, I was abroad in Santiago, Chile, and while I was there I dated a television producer. He was then working on a WWF-style wrestling show, the first of its kind to air in Chile. One night, during a pretty intense argument, he told me that as a television producer surrounded by beautiful people, he had options?he could date girls 10 times better looking than I was.


Red dragon, yellow news

On Monday morning, Oct. 7, a 13-year-old boy was shot in the chest as his mother dropped him off in front of his middle school in Bowie, Md. The boy was the eighth victim in a series of sniper-style shootings that have left six dead and two seriously wounded in the suburbs of our nation’s capital over the past week.


In defense of IMF/World Bank protesters

The recent editorial, “Leave the McDonald’s alone,” (Sept. 26, 2002) is yet another instance of the biased, close-minded and poorly reported media representations of anti-corporate globalization protests that have dominated coverage since 1999. The editorial consisted of nothing but fabrications, counterintuitive inferences and baseless accusations, while managing to ignore completely any of the real issues.


Flight of faith

There was a time in my life when I harbored serious disdain for those who catered to their own irrational fear of flying in airplanes. Indeed, what could be safer than an airplane? Trains derail, cars crash, pedestrians trip on curbs or get hit by said cars.


A broad at home

Every day can be a miracle, if only we let it. Of course, wallowing in self-pity and indulging our victim mentality, is so much easier, so much saucier. Who doesn’t want to deny the silver lining, the pleasant surprise that may lurk behind a failure? After all, embracing it could lead to a certain degree of happiness.


Confessions of a communications director

I’ll admit it: I was the one who suggested the classy-sounding titles. It was my feeling that the more seriously we took the Georgetown University Student Association campaign, the more important we could pretend it was. To avoid internal struggles, the candidate did not want to designate a “Campaign Manager.



The Georgetown Voice takes mistakes seriously. We will correct all mistakes of fact in our stories and publish appropriate clarifications as soon as possible. ? The Sept. 26 article “Protests may snarl downton D.C.,” incorrectly referred to the targets of last weekend’s protests.


A man for all seasons

I am a great man. I’m also really good looking. Fabulous, even. I have a variety of sports jerseys and a diverse music collection. I probably know more about basketball than you, and your favorite band definitely sucks as long as Rolling Stone says so. My eyebrows are quite defined, and I’ve been complimented on them a lot.


Letter to the Editor

I disagree with Gilbert Cruz’s article questioning the reputation of Seven Samurai (“Kurosawa classic hits AFI,” Sept. 12). Kurosawa’s masterpiece deserves every bit of praise it has received over the years and belongs at the top of the film canon for any student of the medium.