Articles tagged: Georgetown club culture


The artistic side of Georgetown’s Asian American community flourishes with Autumn Leaves

It is 9 p.m. on a Wednesday in the middle of March and creative director Lucy Zhang (COL ’26) is untangling the significance of a project that demanded much of... Read more


“A Boys’ Club”: Female leaders navigate Georgetown’s predominately male-led student organizations

When Megan Skinner (SFS ’24) first learned about GUSA in 2020, women filled a majority of the Senate seats.  This year, Skinner is one of only eight women in the... Read more


Reimagining Club Culture

I want to look back at my experience with Georgetown’s club culture—one of dismay, frustration, and disillusionment—and center on the upsides of open-app student associations, which I hope will become a bigger part of Georgetown’s future.


I’m a survivor. And no, your policies aren’t enough.

"Georgetown and its students say survivors are not alone. We write it on the walls of our buildings and host rallies and shout together, but what will you do when the perpetrator is your friend or partner? What will you do when rejecting them means a major change in your life? What will you do when empowering a survivor is inconvenient for you? What will you do when your student organization is enabling abusers? What action will you actually, truly take to make sure a survivor is not alone?"