Articles tagged: GUSA Senate


Georgetown Student Government Brief 3/23: Senate member changes, queer LLC, and lots and lots of other bills!

GUSA met for its eighth Senate meeting of the semester on March 23 to discuss resignations, swear in a new senator, and pass a whopping 14 pieces of legislation, all... Read more


GUSA Senate candidates talk supporting freshmen and “reasonable” change

It is once again time for another GUSA election cycle. This year, ten candidates have entered the bid for the seven open Class of 2028 Senate seats. Polls for the... Read more


Cobb/Mehta ticket denies violating campaign rules following decertification

Jaden Cobb (CAS ’25) and Sanaa Mehta (SFS ’25) denied any wrongdoing in the GUSA executive election campaign in a press conference Tuesday evening, after the GUSA Senate voted on Sunday to decertify the results of last week’s election.


GUSA Senate decertifies Cobb/Mehta win after campaign violation concerns

After an hour and a half of debate, the GUSA Senate voted on Sunday afternoon to decertify the results of the 2023 executive election against the recommendation of the Election Commission. There will be a new election from Oct. 19 to Oct. 20, according to current president Camber Vincent (SFS ’24).


Restoring GUSA’s reputation and improving student life on the ballot in the 2022 Senate elections

The Voice sat down with some of the senatorial candidates from the class of 2026 to discuss key initiatives and goals.


GUSA debates upcoming Executive transition and mask mandates

The Senate passed legislation to amend outdated bylaws and debated repealing mask mandates during their meeting on Feb. 20. 


GUSA passes a resolution calling for divestment connected to the genocide of Uyghur Muslims

GUSA passed legislation to address Georgetown’s endowment in companies related to the genocide and repression of Uyghur Muslims in China, as well as confirmed a new senator to fill a... Read more


GUSA tackles GOCard access, accessibility for immunocompromised students

As Georgetown prepares for a return to in-person learning, GUSA passed legislation advocating for immunocompromised students and expanding GOCard access at their meeting on Jan. 23.  The first resolution calls... Read more


GUSA convenes emergency session, tables two bills about in-person learning

After nearly two hours of debate, the GUSA Senate tabled two resolutions in opposition to the university’s plan for all-virtual learning, restrictions on campus dining, and closure of fitness centers... Read more


GUSA swears in new vice president following Sanchez resignation

GUSA swore in Thomas Leonard (COL ’23) as its new vice president following the official resignation of former VP Nicole Sanchez (SFS ’22) at its Dec. 5 meeting. Sanchez resigned... Read more


GUSA swears in the newly elected senators and elects new leadership for the 16th Senate

The GUSA Senate swore in the newly elected senators and held elections for Senate leadership positions at their meeting on Nov. 14. Leo Rassieur (COL ’22) and Rowlie Flores (COL... Read more


GUSA confirms election results and discusses priorities for the 16th Senate

GUSA certified the election results of the Nov. 6 election at their most recent meeting on Nov. 7.  President Nile Blass (COL ’22) also shared with the Senate the Executive’s... Read more


Vote no on “Abolish GUSA”—the rushed referendum creates an even more dysfunctional student government.

Editor’s Note: After publication, GUSA provided the Voice with responses to this article. We have made any factual corrections they pointed out, but any differences in opinion have not been... Read more

Georgetown Explained

Georgetown Explained: GUSA’s Replace, Repurpose and Restructure Referendum

Following years of debate, GUSA has passed a referendum asking students to vote on whether GUSA should restructure itself. The vote on this referendum will be held on Nov. 6,... Read more


GUSA considers forming D.C. advocacy consortium

The GUSA Executive proposed revisiting the concept of establishing a D.C. advocacy consortium, prompted by the recent student protests at Howard University, at their meeting on Oct. 24.  Howard students... Read more


GUSA Senate creates student referendum to restructure GUSA

The GUSA Senate passed an act to approve a referendum on the restructuring of GUSA at their meeting on Oct. 17. The student body will vote on a constitutional amendment... Read more


GUSA Senate introduces executive proposal to abolish GUSA

The GUSA Senate took on a contentious topic of discussion at their meeting on Oct. 3: the existence of the GUSA Senate and the executive. Following a presentation by members... Read more


GUSA Senate discusses restructuring, elections, and recent crises

The GUSA Senate deliberated recent on-campus crises and discussed the GUSA restructuring project in their Sept. 26 meeting.


GUSA Senate responds to safety incident with call for increased university communication

The GUSA Senate passed a resolution calling for more transparency regarding student safety at their meeting on Sep. 19.  Referencing an incident involving an adult man who was seen in... Read more


The future of GUSA? Senate elects new leadership alongside calls for restructuring

The members of the newly elected GUSA Senate leadership voted in on April 30 are eager to tackle the issues facing the Senate and student body. The latest leadership transition,... Read more