Articles tagged: Page 13 Cartoons

Page 13 Cartoons

Make it New

You open the cabinet, take a mug from the shelf, fill it with tap water and set the microwave to two minutes. Another cup of tea, another late night. You’re... Read more

Page 13 Cartoons

Shoshanna’s Ache

For a few years now, this had been Shoshanna’s greatest fear, dying utterly alone in bed, having only ever had pathetic, unfinished dreams of what it’s like to be kissed, caressed, held, or loved. Often times this feeling has plagued her; she has a hole in her chest, a vulnerable soft spot aching to be filled, or just touched for a brief moment of eternity.

Page 13 Cartoons

Fabulous Prizes

The very first television game show, Spelling Bee, was broadcast in 1938. Did you know that? I didn’t. The very first word written for the entertainment of others was too long before my time. Darkness. I stand in darkness. Why am I standing? What am I leaning into? I am laying my arms gently upon some sort of podium.

Page 13 Cartoons

Spiral (Part 2)

Continued from last week’s edition.. My mom died six months after I was born. Pneumonia, an infection. I’m not exactly sure, I never really wanted to talk with my dad about it. I never really want to talk to him at all anymore. Weird, right?

Page 13 Cartoons


He was a sculptor. His body was found on the shore the next morning. Overnight, frost crystallized on the ends of his hair, his lips, the inside of his ear, his nostrils, his forefingers, his chipped fibula cracking through wax paper skin. The coroner said that the impact wasn’t enough to kill him outright, but that he had a heart attack during freefall. He had jumped off the Francis Scott Key Bridge.

Page 13 Cartoons

I, Clodia

Once upon a time, we were young and ardent and that one organ in my cavernous chest pumped in time with yours. Your parents had named you Markus and when your lips parted to whisper in the close dark nights you always called me Clodia. At night you were sweet and slow and second-guessed every move you made.

Page 13 Cartoons

Up in Beacon

Dear Sonny Jr., Last time you wrote you said you wanted to hear some of the old stories back when we had the bar up in Beacon. Your mother won’t be too happy I’m telling you, but you’re old enough, and I’m sure you could use a good laugh with all the tests and essays you have.

Page 13 Cartoons

Street Flash

Does anyone in here get hit with inside fever? So bad sometimes it’s hard to move around. The couch fibers keep you inside, and you whine you shouldn’t waste your mornings. You take a walk.

Page 13 Cartoons


Elemental Fluorine is the most chemically reactive and electronegative of all the elements. It has an atomic number of 9, preceded by Oxygen and followed by Neon.

Page 13 Cartoons

General Ashcombe

She sat quietly in the winter night, watching as the air turned her breath into a soft, white mist, curling slowly away from her person. She had what they all wanted, that is, a soldier of her own, and not just a soldier, but an officer.