Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List: Your Best Georgetown Girl

September 10, 2018

Georgetown stereotypes know no bounds. They are plentiful and mostly true. So, I figured I’d put together a playlist of songs that encapsulate the typical female Hoya. This may feel like a call-out to some more than others, but trust me, we can all relate in some way or another to these Georgetown-themed tropes.

1. Angel Olsen: “Intern”

At one point or another in our Georgetown careers, we are all interns. The pre-professional life consumes the university’s culture,and we are all bound to get sucked in. Angel Olsen’s song about the monotony of life is breathtakingly sad and beautiful—one of which describes the world of unpaid labor!

2. Toki Wright: “Devil’s Advocate”

Let me paint the scene for you: it’s 10 a.m. on a Friday. You’re in your Comparative Political Systems discussion section. Nobody should want to talk. It’s early, both in the morning and in the semester. But low and behold, some white boy in the front row wants to play devil’s advocate and negate the TA’s well-made point. Did anybody ask him? No!

3. Patawawa: “Patagonia”

The frat boys and private school kids come together, trying to encapsulate an outdoorsy feel, though I can guarantee 90 percent of the Patagonia wearers on this campus have never been on a hike before. It’s a ubiquitous Georgetown brand, and this is an incredible electro-indie song.

4. Pressa: “Canada Goose”

This song is objectively bad, but so are the titular winter jackets. Spending $800 on a coat that perpetuates animal cruelty is decidedly worse than four minutes of soundcloud rap, though.

5. Frank Ocean: “Super Rich Kids”

Full disclosure; I always wanted to make this playlist just so I could put this song on it because this is one of the best pieces of music I know. I need not explain why this is applicable to the ladies of Georgetown University. But let me explain that the harmonies, the driving beats, the buildup, and the soft, sultry mid-song rap, along with everything else, make “Super Rich Kids” the song of the century.

6. Red House Painters: “New Jersey”

There are more kids from New Jersey at Georgetown than there are in New Jersey. What man in the admissions office is doing this? Does he think it’s funny? I mean it is, to be fair.

7. Cyberbully Mom Club: “Drunk Text Romance”

Every Georgetown girl needs at least one drunk text romance. It’s a rite of passage. Whether it’s a boy from your freshman floor, someone you meet in a sweaty, crowded Henle, or a guy you hit it off with and then mistakenly tell him you love him after one too many shots of Burnetts, it’s happened to us all.

8. Chapter One: “Club Culture”

So this song is just very loud and very much something you would head in a literal club. But for me, club culture is about CAB Fair and the strange necessity for students to be in 400 clubs at once. Maybe it’s our underlying need for positions of power?? Maybe it’s peer pressure!

9. Lana Del Rey: “Fucked My Way Up To The Top”

Call me an indie bitch if you want but Lana Del Rey is good, okay? When she sings “I fucked my way up to the top / this is my show” I’m honestly kind of empowered? But, ladies, know this: Georgetown is more about nepotism than sexual favors, at least in my experience.


Claire Goldberg
is the Voice's former editoral board chair and halftime leisure editor. She "says a lot of funny things," according to Emma Francois.

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