We are excited for our final digital issue of the semester! Check out some great content and, as always, Jacob’s fantastic cover!
When freshman year is put on pause by Sophie Stachurski
Miley Cyrus proves she has a voice for rock with viral TikTok covers by Samantha Tritt and Anna Savo-Matthews
The District-wide victory party for Joe Biden by Sophie Tafazzoli
DC must do more to protect the most vulnerable from the effects of COVID-19 by the Editorial Board
Remembering Georgetown’s history with slavery: Amidst university inaction, students take memorialization into their own hands by Darren Jian
On Burning Bread by Matt Phillips
May 6, 1970: The day Georgetown went on strike by Annemarie Cuccia
An hour in the Life of a First Lady: The Portrait Gallery Presents Every Eye is Upon Me: First Ladies of the United States by Anna Pogrebivsky