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Towering Ted maintains perfect defensive record

Few teams or players can boast of perfection, especially in the world of soccer. In recent memory, the only two notable examples of a season without a single loss are... Read more


Nomadic brings Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to life

“Who are we when nobody is watching?” goes the director’s tagline for Nomadic Theater’s production of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, a post-absurdist play by Tom Stoppard. Director Kathleen Joyce (COL ‘15) notes that, “We live a fundamentally absurd existence with rules that don’t make sense. … Post-absurdism says ‘How can we live our lives under those assumptions? How can we be sane and happy given the chaotic universe that we live in?’”


Live fast, die young: Bad girls do it well in The Counselor

Drug cartels and decapitations have never been so sexy. Although his stunning A-list cast definitely helps, Ridley Scott infuses The Counselor with a ubiquitous sex appeal that seeps through every meticulous detail of the film. It’s difficult to imagine that such an attractive movie could successfully carry themes of grief and death, but Scott’s silver platter proves to be a successful vehicle for the ugliest of human experiences.


Van Gogh’s Repetitions: New each visit

Vincent van Gogh’s paintings are sculpture. Using a technique called impasto, his brush strokes are so thickly applied that they create peaks and canyons of paint. These mountains and caverns create an image of a furious flurry of activity in his paintings. Consistent throughout van Gogh’s oeuvre, his technical virtuosity appears improvised.


These tapas ain’t free

At Barcelona Wine Bar, a bull’s head hangs on the wall, flames roar in the open kitchen, and rows upon rows of glistening wine glasses create a curtain of reflecting light. Rough exposed wood panel line the interior, and a wall of glass looks out onto the patio where a fire is burning in the open oven. The tables are small and modern, maintaining a touch a tradition in their wooden look, but creating a sense of openness with sharp angles and minimalistic wrought-iron legs. While the wood is dark and earthy, the glass wall and high black ceiling open up the rest of the space to create a grounded, harmonious balance between the light and the heavy, the earthy and the spacious. Every aspect of the place is perfectly poised.


Plate of the Union: The Joys of Campus Cooking

This is the first year I have had access to a full kitchen at Georgetown (sorry Village B, but size matters), and it has been a blast to experiment with cooking and develop a culinary personality. Sriracha hot sauce features heavily in my food identity. Try any dish that comes out of my kitchen, and probability says you will ingest a healthy dose of Sriracha. I have to buy this stuff in bulk because of how I often I use it. Eggs, pasta, soup, meatloaf—you name it, and I’ve put Sriracha on it. Thus far, I’ve only managed to avoid squeezing a bit of the good stuff into baked goods.


Reel Talk: Conjuring up movie magic

Getting ready for Halloween at Georgetown can be complicated—with two weekends of parties, the creativity to fuel multiple costume changes can start to run thin. But there’s one thing that should never be left off a true Halloweener’s to-do list, no matter how busy the holiday festivities get—horror movies.


Critical Voices: Sainthood Reps, Headswell

Sainthood Reps’ sophomore release, Headswell, blasts listeners with a head-clearing assault on the senses. With the release of their most recent collection of artful rock jams, the four-piece has stepped to center stage as a contender for the brightest musical spark from the Long Island, New York breeding ground for its now-characteristic strain of heavy, creative alternative rock.


Critical Voices: The Head and the Heart, Let’s Be Still

Beautiful. The only word that surfaced in my mind as tears welled up in my eyes at the close of The Head and the Heart’s self-titled debut album, which I left spinning in my car’s stereo for many months of my senior year of high school.


GOP hypocrisy: Not all security issues are created equal

I pulled into the parking lot at work—a little late, NPR humming on the radio. Stepping out of the car, I picked up a bag of clipboards out of the... Read more


Sexual assault a cultural problem, not a self-help issue

The first time I got drunk, I was 17 and at my cousin’s house in London. I’d had alcohol before, but never enough to feel that hazy lightness I’d heard... Read more


Carrying On: Vaulting success despite racism

When you Google search “Simone Biles,” the top hits are not about how she left Belgium earlier this month as the most decorated gymnast of the 2013 World Championships. They... Read more


Nobel Peace Prize obsolete and based on media attention

Early in the morning on Friday, Oct. 11, media outlets lit up with the announcement that the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize had been awarded to the Organization for the Prohibition... Read more


Hoya Court to open next week

Elevation Burger, Salad Creations, and Subway are expected to open to students at the new Hoya Court in the Leavey Center next Wednesday, Oct. 30. The food court, originally intended... Read more


GU welcomes new mascot

Georgetown’s new mascot, John B. Carroll, arrived on campus Monday, Oct. 21. The 14-weeks old puppy took the journey from San Diego, Calif. to Georgetown with breeder Janice Hochstetler. John... Read more


Minor on ethnic studies proposed

The Cura Personalis Initiative, a student-run effort established in September 2012 to address issues of diversity on campus, presented a proposal to the College Academic Council for an interdisciplinary minor... Read more


Grab-n-Give pushes for more student awareness

Georgetown Individuals Vocal and Energetic for Service (G.I.V.E.S.) began tabling outside Leo’s to raise awareness of Grab and Give this past Friday. The Grab-n-Give program, first started in 2007 as... Read more


News Hit: TEDX launches on Saturday

TEDxGeorgetown will hold its third official event, sponsored by the Georgetown University Lecture Fund, on Oct. 26. The theme of the event is changemakers. Held in Gaston Hall, Saturday’s event... Read more


City on a Hill: Waiting for de Blasio

“De Blasio wins a primary, Summers doesn’t get nominated, Peter Beinart writes an essay and suddenly the parliamentary left is resurgent?” That was Cole Stangler, In These Times writer and... Read more


Grab-and-Give cheats students and homeless

The student group G.I.V.E.S., an organization committed to assisting marginalized populations, teamed up with H.O.P.E., a student group that seeks to provide food to D.C.’s homeless population, and Aramark this... Read more


Johnson perilous choice for Homeland Security

Jeh Johnson, formerly the Department of Defense’s top lawyer, accepted President Obama’s nomination to head the Department of Homeland Security last Friday. In an address made at Oxford last November,... Read more


Sporty Spice: NFL attitudes need to change

Two weeks ago, PBS released a long-anticipated Frontline documentary entitled League of Denial: The NFL’s Concussion Crisis. Journalists worked themselves into a frenzy over the sobering stories of former players... Read more


Football strives for consistency in homestretch

Unfortunately for Head Coach Kevin Kelly and the Georgetown football team (1-6, 0-2 Patriot League), college football is played in two thirty-minute halves, not one. This tale of two halves... Read more


There’s no denying Riyan

“He’s with us now. He’s on the team.” Two simple sentences from Georgetown Men’s Basketball Head Coach John Thompson III provided validation for a dream once in doubt for 6-foot-4... Read more