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Letter to the Editor

Rape scenes in movies make me think that everyone is insane. I have been raped and do not need to shell out $8 to watch the fantasy of violence unfold before me. I can peruse my own, very solid memories any time I feel like it, which is pretty much never. I was disappointed at Gilbert Cruz’s review of the film Irreversible (”’Irreversible’ unforgettable,” April 3), because I found it decidedly shallow and cavalier in relation to the question of rape scenes in movies.


Letter to the Editor

I almost cried with anger when I read the editorial on how Club Filipino’s event on Mar. 28 attracted more people that the Nappy Roots concert (“I-not So-Weak,” April 3 ). Few people know that the African Cultural Showcase was on the same night. The attendance there was sad, despite the efforts of the African Society’s board.


Adjust your clocks to hippie time

I love Georgetown. I am not an anti-establishment whiner who doesn’t appreciate the opportunity I’ve been blessed with for four years. I don’t hate my parents. I got enough hugs. I love America, and I shower with amazing frequency. I’m a big fan of Neutrogena body wash.


WEB EXTRA: Hoyas fall to Red Storm in NIT final

The Hoyas had a chance, but it slipped away too quickly.

With 9.8 seconds remaining in Georgetown’s 70-67 loss to St. John’s (21-13) in the National Invitation Tournament Finals Thursday night, Hoyas junior swingman Gerald Riley threw up a off-balance three pointer that clanged off the rim and into the hands of Red Storm junior forward Grady Reynolds.


Tuck never lasting

Department of Public Safety Director William Tucker was notorious for avoiding the press.

Tucker declined to answer reporter’s questions on a regular basis, even labeling a particular student journalist “devious” on one occasion. It was difficult for Tucker to gain legitimacy, both for himself and the department, when he declined inquiry.


Sexual Assault resolution fails

The GUSA Assembly did not pass a resolution Tuesday night supporting a proposal by the Advocates For Improved Sexual Response Methods, although GUSA Chief Advisor Tony Cani (SFS ‘04) characterized the response of the Assembly as “positive.”

The resolution, presented by Representative Luis Torres (CAS ‘05), followed a presentation from AFIRMS group members.


Caller ID policy modified

University officials announced modifications to the campus caller ID system. Effective April 22, phone lines receiving calls from within the Georgetown network will display the caller’s direct phone number on caller ID devices. It will be accompanied by the words “Georgetown University.


Can’t kill the rooster

When I was abroad, a friend of mine lent me Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. And let me tell you, I couldn’t put it down! I was laughing out loud! Golly! But seriously, this stupid hyperbole actually applies to Sedaris. An essayist and humorist based in New York, Sedaris’ humor can make anyone laugh … and trust me, it’s funny as all hell.


Wiesel supports Iraq intervention

Nobel Prize-winning author Elie Wiesel spoke on the war in Iraq on Monday, saying that although he is never for war, he supports U.S. intervention in Iraq. Wiesel spoke in Gaston Hall in recognition of Georgetown’s newly created Elie and Marion Wiesel Chair in Jewish Civilization in Gaston Hall Monday morning.


Point-counterpoint: Cursive live

I can’t believe you dragged me to that place again. I hate the Black Cat. Everyone there wears weird clothes and has multiple piercings, which I personally find unsanitary. I’ve put up with your crap music all year long. Built to Spill? More like Built to Crap on Your Face.


Longtime DPS chief Tucker resigns

Director of the Department of Public Safety William Tucker retired effective Monday after fifteen years at Georgetown. Tucker’s retirement was announced to the University community last Friday via a broadcast e-mail sent by Senior Vice President Spiros Dimolitsas.


Point-counterpoint: Cursive live

All year you taunt me with your Brit pop and your jam bands. Yet by bringing you to see Cursive last Thursday, March 27, I have proved once and for all that my music is better than yours.

Let’s say you judged bands on toughness like sports teams. Openers No Knife get toughness points and the spirit award for coming out and putting on a great set even though lead singer Mitch Wilson was out of commission with a stomach ulcer.


‘Irreversible’ unforgettable

The rape scene is reported to be ten minutes long, but no one ever checks their watch. Whatever the exact time is, it’s long enough. Alex (Monica Bellucci) walks through a Parisian underpass, red-lit like the road to hell. Two minutes later, she is sprawled face down against the gritty, concrete floor while a hand muffles her screaming, her crying.


Springer: Bush does not reflect American people

Former talk-show host Jerry Springer discussed elitism in American politics Wednesday night in Gaston Hall, arguing that the Bush administration’s policies should better reflect the views of the American people. Its current policies, Springer said, has shifted world opinion against us.


‘Hail to’ new Radiohead album

Hail to the Thief, Radiohead’s new album is a record that incorporates its earlier guitar-rock into a sound that is increasingly experimental and unconventional. Probably. Like the group’s previous albums Kid A and Amnesiac, its newest offering is available weeks before it is scheduled for release.


‘I am mad or else this is a dream’

William Shakespeare may not have written in the language college students are accustomed to hearing in a Chris Rock routine or an Adam Sandler movie, but that doesn’t make his theater any less raunchy, witty, or entertaining. The often base humor of Shakespeare’s comedies is theatrically exposed in Mask & Bauble’s new production of Twelfth Night, as the actors deftly go from playing dirty pranks to jousting, from singing Beatles songs to lamenting a count’s broken heart.


H*yas for Choice petitions for on-campus condoms

Georgetown University’s unofficial pro-choice student group, Hyas for Choice, is waiting for the University’s response to a petition they submitted two weeks ago demanding availability of condoms on campus.

According to Ingrid Specht (CAS ‘05), a board member of Hyas for Choice, over 1,200 students signed the petition.


The Sports Sermon

Given that our Final Four predictions last week were more despicably off target than a U.S. Patriot Missile (did we just say that?), we thought we’d focus our attention on the most important holiday of the year: Opening Day. So, in case you missed it, here are the highlights of Monday’s action.


I like action

“NIT champs, huh? So you’re the 66th-best team in the nation. Way to go, losers!”

I will sock the next wise ass who says this. We need to dispense with this mindless cliche once and for all. To argue that Georgetown or St. John’s is a worse team than No. 16 seeds Vermont or South Carolina State is sophistry, an argument built on the fallacy that the 65 teams selected for the NCAA Tournament are the 65 best teams in the country.


Preview: Hoyas vs. Red Storm

Marcus Hatten remembers Georgetown very well.

St. John’s diminutive senior guard, the second leading scorer in the Big East at 22.8 points per game and first-team All Big East selection will lead the Red Storm (20-13) into the National Invitation Tournament finals to play the Hoyas (19-14) tonight at 8 p.


Hoyas fall to No. 1 Terps, 13-10

If you had left at halftime of yesterday’s Georgetown women’s lacrosse game against Maryland, you would have thought the Hoyas were poised to hand the No. 1 Terps their first loss of the season. The upset was not to be, however, as No. 6 Georgetown succumbed to a second-half slide that dropped its all-time record against Maryland to 1-13.


Hoyas club Gophers like baby seals, 88-74

Michael Bauer lay in the paint, curled up in the fetal position.

The Minnesota junior forward had just tried to stop Georgetown junior forward Mike Sweetney from flushing a dunk with 1:19 left to crown the Hoyas 88-74 thrashing of the Golden Gophers in the semifinals of the National Invitation Tournament.


Say uncle, ‘Uncle’

In the past months, the newly formed Emergency Response Team has consistently presented preparedness plans long on mirage, but short on specific improvements to student safety. The announcement last week of changes to the University’s Caller ID policy, however, provides a welcome change to the ERT’s mostly illusory accomplishments.



Last Saturday, the Georgetown Program Board hosted a Nappy Roots concert to a severely under-capacity crowd at McDonough Arena. On the same night, Georgetown’s Club Filipino held their annual cultural show and dinner “Bayanihan Dalawa” in a packed Copley Formal Lounge.


In the affirmative

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court heard the first oral arguments for and against the University of Michigan’s affirmative action program. Through this program, the University of Michigan is fulfilling its educational responsibility to promote diversity, racial or otherwise, in the student body.