Alex Lalli

Alex Lalli is a sophomore in the College who loves a good yap. And miraculously, some of that yapping just happens to make it into print. When she’s not in the office, you can find her rehearsing with Superfood (the best a cappella group on campus), making her fifth playlist of the week, or running around DC.


“I know you love me, but do you like me?”: How leaving for college brought my mom and I closer

My mom, like most moms, cried the day she finally had to say goodbye after moving me into my freshman year dorm. We were standing outside of a bagel shop,... Read more


Julia Fox’s Down the Drain is refreshingly messy in lieu of artificial honesty

Fox flings each volatile event over her shoulder like a Birken bag, strutting off to the next flaming disaster with little hindsight.


In perfect harmony: Reflecting on my time with Superfood

While Georgetown’s club culture often gets flak for being overly competitive, I do believe there is merit to surrounding yourself with people whom you admire, who challenge you and who you feel comfortable challenging yourself around. Admittedly, I still get anxious when it comes time to audition for solos, but I still try because I know the group is there to support me, in singing or elsewhere


Put a bow on it: A blissful reclamation of “coquette”

The trend itself is innocuous: put bows on anything and everything from Britas to headphones, boyfriends, and even chicken nuggets. Besides its name, the trend has little in common with Lolita or anything remotely deviant. Still, it’s not the “bow” or “pink” style. It’s the “coquette trend,” but I’m not sure whether those partaking in the trend understand why. 


Post Pitch: Coquette Aesthetic

Welcome back to Post Pitch!  This week, podcasts producer Romy Abu-Fadel interviews our writer, Alex Lalli, about her Voices piece in this week’s issue of The Voice. Tune in to... Read more