Aubrey Butterfield

Aubrey is an assistant news editor and freshman in the College. She enjoys throwing (and occasionally catching) things in the air, doing really funny and great bits, and making frenemies.


Georgetown community reflects on President Carter’s legacy at U.S. Capitol viewing

The body of former President Jimmy Carter laid in state in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol building from the evening of Jan. 7 to the morning of Jan. 9.... Read more


Odie Leigh brings a little pop-punk to your sad girl autumn in D.C.

Electrifying energy was brewing for Odie Leigh—and when the Louisiana native took the stage, she doubled it.


It’s Georgetown’s most important week: GUSA Senate elections

Starting tonight at 8 p.m., Georgetown students will be able to vote for their next GUSA representatives. This fall, the executive team, freshman senators, and senators at-large will be on... Read more


With glass and embroidery, Georgetown’s art exhibits explore community, feminism, and humanity

This fall, Georgetown University Art Galleries has two new exhibitions on display until Dec. 8. “Around the Table” is a food-themed, multi-artist exhibition at the de la Cruz Gallery and... Read more


Post Pitch: How to vote from college

Welcome back to Post Pitch! This week, The Voice’s podcast producer Romy Abu-Fadel interviews our writer, Aubrey Butterfield, about her News piece on how to vote from college. Tune in... Read more


How to vote from college, explained

For college students, especially those who attend school out of state, voting in the Nov. 5 elections is not as straightforward as going to a polling center or ballot drop... Read more