Editorial Board

The Editorial Board is the official opinion of the Georgetown Voice. Its current composition can be found on the masthead. The Board strives to publish critical analyses of events at both Georgetown and in the wider D.C. community. We welcome everyone from all backgrounds and experience levels to join us!


Republicans, mind your own House: Respect D.C.’s autonomy

The District deserves autonomy from the personal political wishlists of an overwhelmingly and disproportionately white, male Congress/


Georgetown, serve justice for LaHannah now—and restructure your institutions so this does not happen again

The university must develop comprehensive institutional mechanisms to achieve justice for survivors of hate crimes.


Letter from the Editors: concerning the Vincent/Hirai endorsement

The Voice rescinds its endorsement of the Vincent/Hirai ticket, although we still believe Vincent would be the most progressive candidate.


For lack of a progressive ticket, vote Vincent/Hirai

Here we are again. Another GUSA election, another set of lackluster candidates. If you’re looking for a progressive GUSA ticket, there isn’t one. So in the absence of better choices—or... Read more


D.C.’s new migrant services bill is anti-immigrant and dangerous

If D.C. is to call itself a sanctuary city, its government must take bold steps to actually protect its immigrants.  Municipal responses to migrant busing have been woefully inadequate, locking some of the District’s most vulnerable residents out of guaranteed access to legal support, employment and education trainings, fixed shelter, medical care, and food provision. It also endangers the ability of many immigrants—including those who are long-term D.C. residents—to access D.C.’s services for homelessness entirely. The D.C. Council must adopt legislation correcting these failures. 


Georgetown reinforces the gender binary, and so does its housing system

Every Hoya deserves to feel at home on the Hilltop. But for many nonbinary and transgender students at Georgetown, gender-affirming living spaces can be hard to access. As it currently stands, Georgetown’s housing system is archaic, inaccessible, and puts transgender and nonbinary students at risk of physical and emotional harm. If Georgetown wants to be inclusive of all students, the university must adopt gender-inclusive housing policies, allowing students to live with others regardless of sex or gender identity.


Dear Hoyas,

If the last school year was a year of relearning how to do college, this is the year of challenging it.


Vote for progressive D.C. challengers on June 21!

We judged candidates by their stances on issues we care about—housing justice, workers’ rights, and policing practices.


Georgetown’s “global perspective” shouldn’t end at Europe

Let Georgetown’s ongoing response to Ukraine guide its future engagement with world affairs, no matter the region or race of the affected.


On the acquisition of a Sugar Daddy

We have made the decision to look for a financial backer who could keep the Voice successful.