Emlyn Crenshaw
You’ve Got Issues: All’s fair in love and housing
Dear Emlyn, Despite the fact that I’m a freshman, I got things going really fast with a girl this semester, and we’re in a happy relationship. I even visited her family over Thanksgiving, and her mom loved me. The problem is this: I’ve got a terrible, terrible exam schedule, which is forcing me take time off from work. Less work means less money. I want to do things with her before we part ways for a month-long Christmas break, and I want to buy her something nice for Christmas, but I barely have any money or time. How do I navigate a thin wallet and a fat schedule? -Poor in Love
By Emlyn Crenshaw November 29, 2012
You’ve got issues: Dear Emlyn, Put a sock in it
Dear Emlyn, So there’s this guy. I really like him, and he’s established in multiple ways that he likes me, but he’s failing to take our attracted-friends relationship any further. This weekend, he’s going to be dressing up for Halloween as a really slutty Scarecrow, with some of his friends going as slutty Tin Man and Lion. They also have a Dorothy, which is some other girl--a.k.a. not me. I feel really jealous that he’s not mine, and he’s going to be going around strutting his stuff and I can’t even be a part of their group. What do I do? —Unsexy Dorothy :(
By Emlyn Crenshaw October 24, 2012
You’ve got issues: Breakfast at Tombs
Dear Emlyn, I’m a sophomore and it’s housing selection time for me. I live in Southwest Quad with one of my friends from freshman year, but this semester we haven’t been that close and even disagree pretty frequently. I don’t want to live with him next year, but I don’t really know how to break the news. Advice? -Gloomy Roomie
By Emlyn Crenshaw October 11, 2012
You’ve got issues: ‘I’ve just got a lot of feelings.’
Dear Emlyn, I have a freshman who is in love with me. Is it ethical for me to make him take my laundry to the dry cleaner’s? Kisses, Jackie “Launderin’” DeGioia
By Emlyn Crenshaw September 27, 2012
You’ve Got Issues: Love’s labours and Leo’s
Dear Emlyn, I am under 21 and don’t have a fake ID. I tend to like the older ladies here at Georgetown, and sometimes I snag a gorgeous junior or senior and take her out to coffee. Here’s the issue– when it’s time to step it up from a coffee date and take her for a nice dinner, I sort of hit a wall. I can’t buy her wine at a restaurant, can’t take her out to a bar or a club, etc. It sucks. Help please! —Young Luv
By Emlyn Crenshaw September 13, 2012
You’ve got Issues: At least you’re not in Darnall
Dear Emlyn, I’m a totally awesome freshman, and was expecting that I would be invited to all sorts of raging parties, right? Here’s the thing though– I don’t really know many people, and have yet to be invited to anything besides an ice cream social or two. It sucks. Am I doomed to wandering around Village A in a pack with 30 of my fellow freshmen?
By Emlyn Crenshaw August 30, 2012
You’ve got issues: Take it with a grain of salt
Dear Emlyn, I’m obsessed with movies, and there are a LOT that I want to watch with my girlfriend. But we only have three weeks left in the semester! She probably does not care to see all of them, but HOW DO I KNOW WHICH ONES SHE DOES CARE TO SEE?! I mean, I can’t ask her directly, that’s weird. On top of this, we have to wait until the fall to watch the next season of Breaking Bad, and that’s just a tragedy. Fix my problems. —Swaggy Swate
By Emlyn Crenshaw April 26, 2012