Kate Satterfield


Post Pitch: Georgetown’s LinkedIn Culture

Welcome back to Post Pitch!  This week, podcasts producer Romy Abu-Fadel interviews our writer, Kate Satterfield, about her Voices piece in this week’s issue of The Voice. Tune in to... Read more


The objective 100% accurate ranking of the freshman dorms (Not up for debate!)

That's right, this April Fools, the Voice hereby decrees that being normal is a good thing. In a world where Copley girls spit at you and Harbin boys bark at you, Reynolds kids simply nod at you and walk by. Or so we assume.


When you’re not ‘LinkedIn’ to the Georgetown culture

The obsession with Corporate America™ heightens in every baby-faced freshman as soon as they pass through Healy’s hallowed halls. From vying for unpaid positions in coveted consulting clubs to near fistfights over the front-row seat in IR lectures, Georgetown culture is defined not just by how well-connected you are, but how you subsequently climb the social ladder.