
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


Suffer for Fashion: Good golly, garb goes green

When I used to think about “eco-fashion,” visions of boxy canvas dresses, natural hemp shoes, hair beads, tie-dye galore—and the tree-hugging, cannabis-drenched Deadheads that typically sport such looks—came to mind.... Read more


Q&A: John Hillcoat, director of The Road

John Hillcoat’s directorial career is filled with dark, critically acclaimed films like the gritty Australian Western The Proposition. Leisure Editor Chris Heller sat down with him last month to talk... Read more


Up, up, and unemployed

Americans are constantly struggling to balance their work and family lives. As deeply ingrained as the Protestant work ethic may be, those who choose to focus on their careers are... Read more


Giving for dummies

Pop quiz, hot shot. It’s the day before Christmas and, as usual, you haven’t bought a single gift. If you try to buy everyone thoughtful gifts, you will run out... Read more


Leh’zur Ledger: Hell on Wheels

“But these are special peanuts, from Baltimore.” Only a few hundred feet away from roller-skating, black-eyed women tackling each other, I was stuck behind Jimmy Carter’s long-lost cousin in the... Read more


Youth art center rebounds from summer attack

This past August, the headquarters of Life Pieces to Masterpieces, a local nonprofit that lets African-American males channel their energy into art, was vandalized almost to the point of complete... Read more


Tomorrow’s Classics: Film

Mulholland Drive, David Lynch, 2001 Mulholland Drive isn’t a difficult film. Despite its convoluted plot, unsettling characters, and occasionally intense moments, Mulholland Drive is pretty straightforward: it’s about film itself.... Read more


High Fidelity: Popular yesterday

There are all sorts of insoluble life mysteries that I wish I could answer: How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? How... Read more


lehz’ur ledger: Burlesquities

As I nursed my bottle of Mickey’s malt liquor and peered off the balcony, I wondered—are those fireballs supposed to be coming so close to my face? This was last... Read more


2012 reasons 2012 sucked, abbreviated

Editor’s note: After watching 2012, our film critic was found shirtless on M Street, babbling about director Roland Emmerich and yelling vague threats to passersby. A list entitled “Two thousand... Read more


Open wide for Georgetown art

While walking to class in Walsh, you may have noticed bright new banners jutting proudly from the façade, advertising a small and relatively under-the-radar part of Georgetown—the Department of Art... Read more


Critical Voices: Them Crooked Vultures – Them Crooked Vultures

Supergroups pretty much always leave fans disappointed. You know the drill: the individual stars are too unwilling to compromise their personal aesthetic, the members never make the effort to gel... Read more


Suffer for Fashion: Bringin’ back the (18)90s

If you happened to escape campus last Sunday to take a stroll near the National Mall or U Street, you may have seen a mass of impeccably dressed figures whiz... Read more


Tomorrow’s Classics: Television

The Voice reminisces about its favorite shows of the decade. Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Cartoon Network, 2000- A rapping spider with a pyramid scheme to unleash demons from hell, a... Read more


Caroline’s changes fall too short

It is hard to talk about Caroline, or Change—Tony Kushner’s frustrating, engrossing musical, currently in production at the Gonda Theater—without talking about writing. The play, which is described as “semi-autobiographical,”... Read more


D.C. Comics: The District’s other bookstores

If you think comic books are meant for greasy, perma-pubescent mouthbreathers with no friends, stop reading right now. Go find Johnny Lawrence and Biff Tannen to talk about what it’s... Read more


A portrait of the author as a middle-aged man

Goodloe Byron may have graduated from the College in 2004, but when he returns to the Hilltop from time to time, he brings with him his vigorous spirit, a few... Read more


Georgetown dance revolution

Black Movements Dance Theatre can easily define 2009-2010 in terms of change. For the first time, the company includes two male members. BMDT’s upcoming show, Mind, Body, and Soul, fuses... Read more


Bottoms Up: Tucking in with the nightcap

My sophomore-year roommate would often keep much later hours than I would. It wasn’t unusual for him to come in at two or three in the morning after a night... Read more


Critical Voices: Annie – Don’t Stop

As a member of the generation who grew up listening to Britney and Christina, it’s easy to say that the last thing the music world needs is another blonde female... Read more