
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


Real Life Sucks Dragon Balls

I’m a sucker for a bad movie. Classic sci-fi camp, gung-ho action, teen comedy, or any Nic Cage movie—I’ve seen it all. Twice. Something beautiful happens when an incompetent director... Read more


An Abstract Journey

“I have always admired people who just seize something and run it into the wall,” said Georgetown alumnus Goodloe Byron (COL ’04), author of what is more easily labeled an... Read more


Bottoms Up: Drunken Summers

Most of my drinking at Georgetown occurs during the winter; for now, let’s disregard the fact that my twenty-first birthday was this past March. As winter transitions to spring, however,... Read more


Imaginary Realities

Netherlander Guido van der Werve is a jack of many impressive trades: accomplished pianist, composer, chess player, and student of archaeology and industrial design. No wonder he chose himself to... Read more


The Hold Steady – A Positive Rage

At every successful Hold Steady show, it’s obvious for a fleeting instant that being lead singer Craig Finn and sweating beer into your shirt every night for an enraptured crowd... Read more


Critical Voices: Tinted Windows – Tinted Windows

It’s tempting to say that power-pop supergroup Tinted Windows’s much-anticipated debut album is disappointing, weak, or even bad, but that’s not exactly the case. The truth is, the record, a... Read more


Low Fidelity: Dischordant Punk

What does it mean to be punk? Much of today’s music culture seems to exploit the idea of punk, as stores like shopping mall mainstay Hot Topic profit by misinforming... Read more


Ming finds cosmic harmony in space

The Air and Space Museum is fancy. Really fancy. The exhibits light up and elaborate spaceship parts hang from the ceiling. The escalators aren’t hidden off to the side because... Read more


Fire-crotched and shit-stained monsters in Tokyo!

Japan is a crazy place. Forget all the ridiculous stuff you’ve read on the internet; if Tokyo! is to be believed, the land of the rising sun is full of... Read more


Hannah Montana and the search for self

There are plenty of places most college students would rather be than in a movie theater filled with screaming, pre-teen girls—such as the ninth circle of Hell. If you have... Read more


Finding closure

Contrary to what Tom Petty may have said, ending is actually the hardest part. The past few weeks have seen quite a few shows bid adieu to audiences—some in their... Read more


The Fab Four

Few bands have had their music and legacy commercialized, merchandized, and downright exploited by money-snatching opportunists as the Beatles have. Sure, the Fab Four are undoubtedly one of the most... Read more


Cactus and Pretzel in stereo

If Serge Gainsbourg and Nena (of “99 Luftballons” fame) had a love child, and he grew up as latchkey kid in 1980s Berlin, there’s a good chance that kid would... Read more


Let’s celebrate the Earth!

Perhaps the only bright side to the degradation of the Earth’s atmosphere—besides, of course, a prolonged but double-edged tanning season—is the on-the-rise holiday known as Earth Day. Unlike St. Patrick’s... Read more


Critical Voices: Doves

Four years after their last release, Britpop outfit Doves revisit familiar territory with a renewed sense of urgency on Kingdom of Rust. Coldplay-esque grandiosity paired with New Order electronics remains the... Read more


Critical Voices: Death Cab For Cutie

One aspect of The Open Door EP that Death Cab for Cutie definitely got right was that none of its songs would have fit well on the band’s latest full-length, Narrow Stairs.... Read more


Critical Voices: Art Brut

Where Art Brut fits in, exactly, is a bit hard to pin down. They’re not quite the post-punk revivalist sort—we fell in love with them for their wit before their... Read more


Your friendly neighborhood cleanup

The more reductivist cinephile might tell you that Sunshine Cleaning was bad. The not-quite-discerning might tell you that it was good, entertaining even. Both groups are wrong. Directed by Christine Jeffs, Sunshine... Read more


An open letter from the Hoya Court Sparrow

To all those who watch, feed, coo over, or otherwise encourage the black squirrels on Healy Lawn, Please stop. Those stupid squirrels are nothing but furry attention whores. Don’t even... Read more


Duchamp, da champ

The best art is nothing but the purest reflection of its creator. In the case of French artist Marcel Duchamp, the intriguing life of the creator rivals the works themselves.... Read more