
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


Bettie, Bondage and the Bible

Wearing nothing but her underwear, eight-inch heels and a ball gag around her neck, Bettie Page stands by a wall, her arms and legs tightly restrained with ropes.


Filmfest DC is 4 reel

Lovers of international cinema can expect a bold statement from the District’s twentieth annual Filmfest.


Seeing is a vision of an election gone awry

What if political apathy reached such great heights that no one cared enough to actually vote for a candidate? Seeing, Nobel Prize Laureate Jose Saramago’s ambitious follow-up to his 1995 novel Blindness, attempts to answer this question.


Soulive scorches the 9:30 Club

Woodstock, NY-based Soulive tore up the 9:30 Club Sunday evening at a show so hot it could’ve set fire to a wet brick wall.


Fashion in the buff

With the summer rolling in, nudity in fashion seems to be making a comeback and is stirring up controversy in the process.


Hunger hurts but starving works

Director Jen Rogers’ (COL ‘06) take on complicated relationships with food make the production Schoolgirl Figure surprisingly refreshing.


Islands and Diamonds

The Voice recently spoke with Nick Diamonds about the Islands album and the stigma that comes in the wake of breaking up a band as beloved as the Unicorns.


The answer my friend is blowing in the wind

Tiina Nunnally is making a splash in Anglophone literary circles with her 2006 translation of Henning Mankell’s gripping novel Chronicler of the Winds.


Late-night munchies

Steak Out – a biweekly column about eating leisurely


Concert Calendar

April 20 – April 26


The Kite Could Use More Slack

If sex is a metaphor for the interaction between author and audience, the abridging of literature means ending the sex too early for the writer’s taste, leaving him frustrated as the pleasured audience rolls over and goes to sleep.


Learn to do the Voxtrot

In anticipation of their upcoming concert at Georgetown’s Riverside Lounge this Saturday, The Voice called up Voxtrot’s lead singer, Ramesh Srivastava, to discuss his fans’ expectations, the power of blogs, gender roles and preschool.


The spin-doctor dishes out the laughs

While this virtually smoke-free film won’t convince you to put out your cigarette, it may leave you feeling guilty for succumbing to the unremitting charm of the tobacco industry’s slickest merchant of death.


Capitol Fashion

Eat My Skort – a biweekly column about dressing leisurely


No surprises found in Urinetown

A trip to Urinetown at Poulton Hall unites all the traditions of musicals, but it has too many predictable elements, and ultimately is a simple one-night stand that leaves you worn and tired.


Ready… Set… Go! Team

Before playing at D.C.’s The Black Cat on Sunday, March 19, the band’s sole songwriter, Ian Parton, sat down with The Voice to discuss the band’s sound and to harp on ‘70s nostalgia.


Lez’hur Ledger: Grand ‘ol Smackdown

On a cold February day, I left Georgetown, my dignity and my “Vote Kerry” button behind.


Let’s get baked

Steak Out – a biweekly column about eating leisurely