
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


Saxa Politica: Let students serve students

The Healy Pub proposal took a major hit this past week following the Voice and The Hoya’s biannual interview with University President John DeGioia and Vice President for Student Affairs Todd Olson. Despite meetings conducted by the Georgetown Univerity Student Associations’s Finance and Appropriations Committee that solidified the design and space for the Healy Pub, DeGioia and Olson seemed to indicate that the plan to bring back the pub was most likely dead on arrival.


September 11 a catalyst for better vets programs at GU

Prior to September 11, 2001, Georgetown was virtually bereft of a military veteran’s presence. The campus was still brimming with anti-military sentiments, remnants from the Vietnam War. Today, a number of organizations and support groups for both soldiers on active duty and veterans exist on campus: Hoyas for Troops, Georgetown University Student Veterans Association, Georgetown Allies, and the Georgetown University Military Association. But that wasn’t always the case.


GU Farmers’ Market returns

Despite the heavy rain that had been falling all day, Georgetown University’s second Farmers’ Market took place Wednesday afternoon in Healy Circle, as students lined up for everything from Belgian waffles to peaches.


Students, residents disagree on ANC redistricting

On August 17, the Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2E redistricting task force voted in favor of a proposal by ANC 2E chair Ron Lewis, Burleith Citizens Association President Lenore Rubino, and Citizens Association of Georgetown President Jennifer Altemus to re-draw the borders of the districts that elect the board’s commissioners. The plan will be subject to community comment at the next public ANC meeting before it becomes an official recommendation.


City on a Hill: More candidates, better elections

Freshmen, you’ve just gotten to college and probably are overwhelmed with anticipation of the intellectual engagement and rivers of free alcohol in your near future, but I have a favor to ask of you. I’m asking you to run for political office: not in some far-off future where you’ve developed some brilliant plan to get us back into space with renewable fuel recycled from asbestos. I’m asking you to run now. I want you to become an elected official in D.C. by launching a campaign to join this neighborhood’s reigning overlords, the Advisory Neighborhood Commission.


Medical student gains science fame, but may be the last

David Solomon, an MD/PhD student at the Georgetown School of Medicine, recently gained international recognition for his research identifying a genetic mutation, called STAG2, that is a precursor to some cancers. Solomon, however, may be one of the last success stories to come out of the program, as funding for the MD/PhD program was cut in 2006.


Provost O’Donnell steps down

The 2011-2012 academic year will mark Provost James O’Donnell’s tenth and final year as a member of Georgetown’s senior administration, according to an announcement by University President John DeGioia.


Quake surprises response team

An unprecedented 5.8 Magnitude earthquake hit the D.C. area and much of the east coast on Tuesday, sending Georgetown’s emergency responders into crisis mode. Following the thirty second long quake, the University’s Emergency Response Team rushed to evacuate students from on-campus facilities.


Students encounter problems at the polls

After an aggressive voter registration drive by District student advocacy group D.C. Students Speak, a number of Georgetown students reported problems casting their votes in Tuesday’s special election to fill... Read more


GUSA, administration discuss student advocacy

Students behind the Georgetown University Student Association’s Student Advocacy Office met with administrators Monday in the latest push to provide advice for those navigating the University’s disciplinary and appeals processes. At the meeting, James Pickens (COL ’12) and Ace Factor (COL ’12) presented a plan to use the SAO to offer free and confidential information and advice to students accused of conduct violations. According to Factor, administrators who attended the meeting—including Director of Student Conduct Judy Johnson, Director of Student Affairs Anne Koester, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs Jeanne Lord, and Director of Residence Life Stephanie Lynch—seemed open to the proposal.


Saxa Politica: Freedom of speech not a trivial pursuit

The first edition of “What sucks: Tombs trivia’s most offensive team names” on Vox Populi, the Voice’s blog, provoked a large outcry of responses both denouncing and defending the names. Many commenters called for the Tombs to ban team names with jokes about sexual assault, sexual orientation, or natural disasters, among other potentially offensive topics.


Campus Plan hearing begins today

More than a year’s worth of debates and negotiations will crest Thursday, when the D.C. Zoning Commission will hold its first hearing about the University’s 2010 Campus Plan.


Polls open online as RJC begins reform

After a yearlong hiatus, the Residential Judicial Council opened campus-wide elections Wednesday for its nine student councilor positions. The restructured body will debut next year with structural changes, but newly elected councilors will largely determine the council’s mission.


Relay takes aim at fundraising record

Georgetown Relay for Life, which will hold its annual relay event this Saturday, is on pace to best recent years’ fundraising numbers.


Competition, debate for $3.4 million heat up

As the Student Activities Fee Endowment Commission nears its Apr. 26 voting deadline, commission members are faced with a difficult task: choosing between proposals to allocate $3.4 million suggested by their peers.


City on a Hill: Vote … or live in the District

Entrenched as we are in budget showdowns and entanglements in the Middle East, it can be hard to remember the wave of optimism and liberal fervor in D.C. that accompanied the 2008 election.


New boathouse stalled by Park Service delays

Georgetown University’s efforts to construct a boathouse on the Potomac River, which have attracted millions of dollars in alumni donations and cost more than $1 million in lobbying fees, have come to a halt as the National Parks Service continues to delay a report critical to its progress.


NHS students raise money for African orphanage

Four seniors in the School of Nursing and Health Studies returned from their fall semester abroad with a mission—help the fledgling Mother of Mercy Babies’ Home in Ghana.


Crime summit urges theft vigilance

On Tuesday and Wednesday night, InterHall and the Southwest Quad Community Council hosted a crime prevention summit with the Department of Public Safety to raise student awareness about crime prevention.


Saxa Politica: Keep $3.4 million SAFE

With $3.4 million of student money weighing on their minds, it’s hard to envy the members of the Student Activities Fee Endowment commission.