
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


Student Metro efforts stall

Progress toward the creation of a Metro discount for D.C. college students has come to a standstill, despite its momentum at beginning of the semester. Though they remain optimistic, local... Read more


Before SAC, clubs tread lightly

In the midst of controversial discussions between the Georgetown University Student Association and the Student Activities Commission over the SAC chair selection process student clubs, which receive their funding from... Read more


Commissions advance slowly

In October, the Georgetown University Student Association created five commissions to address concerns about technology, class registration, Georgetown identity, student dining concerns, and code of conduct reform. The Commissions have... Read more


City on a Hill: D.C.’s perception problem

World AIDS Day, which took place on Monday, annually brings the District of Columbia’s HIV/AIDS epidemic into citywide focus, if only for a few days. HIV/AIDS clinics and patient advocacy... Read more


Saxa Politica: The benefit of the Dowd

Finally, somebody said it: “This personal GUSA [Senate] bullshit is stupid,” GUSA President Pat Dowd (SFS ‘09) said Tuesday when I asked what he thought of the GUSA vs. Student... Read more


Council talks gay wedding bells

For supporters of same-sex marriage in the District of Columbia, this year’s election was seen as particularly significant. Several local media outlets, including the Washington Blade, speculated that if Democrats... Read more


New SAC constitution rattles cages

On Monday night, the Student Activities Commission voted 12-0 with one abstention to amend its constitution, officially eliminating the requirement that the Georgetown University Student Association appoint and approve all... Read more


Endowment shrinks

Unable to remain insulated from the nation’s financial crisis, Georgetown University saw its endowment fall 12.5 percent from the beginning of 2008 to September 30, according to a statement by... Read more


Wi-Fi has uncertain future

Wireless internet access at Georgetown can be hard to come by. In an effort to pressure the University into speeding up effort to improve wireless, Georgetown’s Interhall Residence Council has... Read more


Tuesday night revelry sours

Early last Wednesday morning, two Georgetown graduates were assaulted on their way to join the crowd celebrating President-elect Barack Obama’s  (D) election in front of the White House. An intoxicated... Read more


Rattled by assault

A female Georgetown student was sexually assaulted and another was sexually harassed this week, during Georgetown’s annual Take Back the Night week. Though the Department of Public Safety issued campus-wide... Read more


SAC may buck GUSA

On Monday night, Student Activities Commission Chair Sophia Behnia (COL `09) proposed several controversial amendments to the SAC constitution. If they pass, they will eliminate defunct clauses in SAC’s constitution... Read more


Butt out: GU Hospital bans smoking

As of November 20, the use of tobacco will be prohibited in and around the Georgetown University Hospital. According to Kate Alcorn, a media representative for GUH, the policy will... Read more


Confronting Westboro protesters

On Monday, Joseph Graumann (SFS `11), a member of GU Pride, stood up on a park bench near the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts to speak to... Read more


This time, Georgetown includes the neighbors

Georgetown administrators have begun to craft the ten-year plan that will dictate how the University can expand in the coming decade. University officials have changed their approach to this plan,... Read more


City on a Hill: D.C., the suffrage-free city

The election of Barack Obama (D) and the gains made by Democrats in Congress bode well for those fighting for voting rights for the District of Columbia. However, last week’s... Read more


Saturday night’s alright for fightin’

On Saturday, a costume party co-hosted by Georgetown’s Black Student Alliance ended early after a fight broke out and a student was seriously injured. Department of Public Safety officers stopped... Read more


The agony and the ecstasy

On Tuesday night, the contrast between the moods in Sellinger Lounge and the Village C Alumni Lounge could not have been more stark. In Alumni Lounge, the Georgetown University College... Read more


East campus runs dry

On Monday, one week after students living in West Georgetown experienced two power outages, they were faced with yet another utility problem-water pressure in a large area of Northwest D.C.... Read more


The neighborhood’s new face

While the rest of campus rejoiced or despaired over the results of Tuesday night’s presidential election, one student was still “on pins and needles.” Aaron Golds (COL `11) was waiting... Read more