
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


Saxa Politica: It’s action time for GUSA

For the second year in a row, the Student Association’s Senate is reorganizing itself in a supposed attempt to make themselves more accountable to the student body. Committees are gone; their place will be an ad-hoc substitute called “action teams.”


Hate crime suspect identified in two line-ups

October 1, 2007—The victim of a September 9 bias-related assault identified Philip Cooney (MSB ‘10) as one of his attackers on two separate instances, Lt. Alberto Jova, the commanding officer of the Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit for the Metropolitan Police Department said on Monday.


Aliens in America lands at Georgetown

Television producer David Guarascio knows what it feels like to be stereotyped. With waist-length, messy brown hair and dark, bushy eyebrows, the mind behind Just Shoot Me and Mad About You has been stopped at airports for looking like a “druggie.”


Law Center under holy fire

Conservative Catholic groups are ready to fight a new Law Center policy regarding funding for abortion related internships.


City on a Hill: Metro hike un-fare to poor

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority bus and subway system is a frugal transportation option for Georgetown students and Washington’s poor. Proposed fare increases may change that, but they don’t have to. Instead, Metro should raise fees to park at its lots in Virginia and Maryland.


Liquor Talk

A committee will be formed in the coming weeks to evaluate the overall effects of the alcohol policy, said Dr. Todd Olson, Vice President of Student Affairs, at a town hall meeting in Sellinger Lounge last night. He also said that no immediate changes are forthcoming.


Pride wins changes from admins

Georgetown administrators agreed to create a new LGBTQ advisory board in a Monday meeting with the GU Pride leadership in the wake of a September hate crime involving Georgetown students.


R.I.P. Fr. Martin

The world’s oldest Jesuit died Monday in Georgetown’s Wolfington Hall. Father James A. Martin, S.J., who celebrated his 105th birthday in August, passed away shortly after a Monday afternoon mass and having the last rites administered to him.


ANC voices concerns over Darnall liquor license

Georgetown’s Advisory Neighborhood Commission passed a resolution protesting the new Darnall restaurant owner’s application for a liquor license, a procedural move that ultimately should not impede the licensing.


On the record: Dick Gregory

If you look at the new stats that came out on OD deaths and they break them down, they’re led by white women, white teenagers, and white Southerners. That’s the problem.


DPS to be armed in next year

The Department of Public Safety plans to arm its officers with maces and batons, University President John DeGioia said at a faculty town hall meeting on Tuesday.


GU vs. Pope

The Vatican investigation of Georgetown theology professor Fr. Peter Phan’s writings regarding Catholic primacy over other religions is not the first time that Georgetown has come in contact with controversy from the Vatican.



Georgetown’s Advisory Neighborhood Commission will discuss a liquor license for the new Darnall restaurant at a meeting October 2nd.


Cancer Schmancer: Fran Drescher speaks out

No Laughing Matter: “I swear I got in the stirrups more times than Roy Rogers,” Fran Drescher said as keynote speaker on Tuesday at the School of Nursing and Health... Read more


Chartering D.C.’s Catholic kids

The Archbishop of Washington proposed the conversion of eight Catholic elementary schools in the District into charter schools under the administration of the D.C. Charter School Board in an announcement September 8th.


Turkish speech canceled

Georgetown’s Woodstock Theological Center postponed a speech by Patriarch Mesrob II Mutafyan of the Armenian Church in Turkey because of security concerns, according to one of the event’s co-sponsors.


Saxa Politica: Running your GUTS out

GUTS bus service on weekend nights will resume on this weekend. Though the extended bus is much needed, it is still not enough to connect Georgetown students to the city.


Hate crime suspect identified in two line-ups

October 1, 2007—The victim of a September 9 bias-related assault identified Philip Cooney (MSB ‘10) as one of his attackers on two separate instances, Lt. Alberto Jova, the commanding officer of the Gay and Lesbian Liaison Unit for the Metropolitan Police Department said on Monday.


Students protest the war

Georgetown students joined thousands of protesters in a march to the Capitol Building on Saturday to protest the war in Iraq. The march, organized by the A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) Coalition, drew about fifty Georgetown students, organized by various groups such as the College Democrats and the Georgetown Solidarity Committee.


MPD policy “unconstitutional”

Lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union said the Metropolitan Police Department’s alleged arrest policy for parties is unconstitutional. Students residing in Burleith claimed that MPD officers, including 2nd District Commander Andy Solberg, threatened to arrest all residents if their house received one more noise complaint.