
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


You know how I do … Holla!

Sup sup MTV! Welcome to my crib! This is where it’s at, down here in the dirty dirty, you know. I’m doing it! Wearing my robe, doing my thing! Now let me show you around. Come on in! OK, here’s the front hallway, you know. Got the Oriental rug goin’ on, got it down in Chinatown for like thirty dollars, you know, pee stains and shit, I’m keepin’ it real.


Letter to the Editor

The Nov. 14 issue of The Georgetown Voice published an article regarding the South Asian Society’s annual cultural show Rangila, “Rangila Expands its Focus.” Though the review’s overall positive assessment of the show is greatly appreciated, the article seems to highlight Rangila’s entertainment value while at the same time downplaying the show’s purpose as a forum of cultural exchange.


How to make your mom cry

There are times when I want to fall on my knees and give thanks that I’m not entrusted with teaching English to non-native speakers. The number of nuances in our language make me shudder at the prospect of this task. I would rather explain exceptions to grammatical rules 365 days a year, however, than be faced with the challenge of defining some of our more elusive words.


Christ in tights

For the past six or so years, my sister’s ballet company has hijacked our Thanksgiving travel plans. The company puts on an annual performance of The Nutcracker that weekend, and my family usually attends all of the five or so showings. This is usually not too unpleasant, as I enjoy both Tchaikovsky and costumes with lots of ruffles.


Care to buy a calendar?

Georgetown University is in the throes of an identity crisis. It is famous, but relatively poor. It is well-regarded, but slipping in rank. Solutions that address the root of the problem have ranged from fiscal cuts to a reorganization of the University’s entire mission.


This stadium is no home run

In his quest for a legacy beyond being “the mayor who isn’t Marion Barry,” Mayor Anthony Williams has made acquiring a major league baseball team for D.C. a major priority. In 2000, when the nation was still tipsy with cash from the tech boom, he pledged $200 million of the District’s money to build a baseball stadium in the city.


Don’t tell mom and dad

This week, the Pennsylvania Senate unanimously passed a bill requiring all public and private school students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and/or sing “The Star Spangled Banner” every day. According to this bill, school administrators are required to notify in writing the parents of any student seen not participating in the pledge or anthem.


Radio utopia

I figure the point of having a column is to make one’s own views available to a wider audience. Thus, shameless self-promotion is a privilege that comes with the turf. So, as a somewhat less-than-responsible music director for WGTB, Georgetown’s student run radio, I have compiled a list of the cr?me de la cr?me of student shows.


I dreamed a little dream gone wrong

I know a lot of people that have Attention Deficit Disorder, and they are some of the most interesting and creative people I have ever met. I, however, seem to have the opposite problem. I am able to focus on incredibly boring material for long periods of time.


Letter to the Editor

In response to your article “Out and a Scout” (Nov. 14), I, an Eagle Scout, would like to address a few issues that were omitted. The issue of homosexual scoutmasters runs much deeper than the moral objection on the surface. For one, a scout’s parents have a legitimate objection to allowing a homosexual to have unlimited access to their boy four to six times a month, especially on overnight camp-outs.


Over the river and through the woods

As Thanksgiving break nears, I am counting down the days until I can sit on the couch and have members of my family bring me things. However, earlier this semester my mom told me that the family would be spending the holiday at my grandfather’s house in Florida, which only means one thing: road trip.



The Georgetown Voice takes mistakes seriously. We will correct all factual mistakes in our stories and publish appropriate clarifications as soon as possible. In “Rangila expands its focus,” on Nov. 14, the Voice incorrectly referred to Vidhya Iyer (CAS ‘03) as Bidhya Iyer.


Are we a red light district?

Is Georgetown a place for free speech? If you’re a member of The Georgetown Academy, whose most recent issue was stolen shortly after it was distributed on campus last week, you probably don’t think so. If you’re the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, which just gave Georgetown a “red light” rating for free speech protection, you probably don’t, either.


Guard-ing student opinion

At the beginning of the school year, the administration implemented a new safety policy which restricts student access to dormitories and other campus buildings. Unlike the old policy, which allowed students to enter all residence halls with a valid Georgetown ID, the new policy restricts entrance to residents of the building.


Out and a Scout

Last week, a D.C. appellate court ruled that the Boy Scouts of America did not violate D.C. law when it did not allow two gay men to become Scout leaders. This ruling overturned the District’s Commission on Human Rights’ order that the Boy Scouts reinstate the men.


Ode to life

I can write the saddest poem of all tonight. To think I don’t have her. To feel that I’ve lost her. To hear the immense night, more immense without her. And the poem falls to the soul as dew to grass. What does it matter that my love couldn’t keep her. The night is full of stars and she is not with me.


Darn-all the bathrooms

I am a simple man. Although I have the relative good fortune of living in the wealthiest state in the world and occupy a position of seemingly infinite upward mobility, my needs and desires are few. I have no use for the highly coveted bling- bling of Lexuses, flashy jewelry, high-powered video game machines or even fine dining at the District’s various five-star restaurants, though my financial station and societal privilege may one day entitle me to these things.


Sunday Night Syndrome exposed

Mornings are my favorite time of day because the endless possibilities of life are upon me. I relish my first cup of coffee and sing out with the morning birds about the hopefulness that each new day brings. As the morning drifts into the afternoon and the sun moves across the sky, a sense of foreboding comes over me as I realize that the night is fast approaching.


Hope you like dorms, kids

Starting next year, there will be no more sophomore apartment lottery, no more exiled first-years will be holed up on the first floor of Darnall, and seniors will be partying it up in Village B.

Last week, the Office of Housing and Conference Services informed undergraduates that it can now guarantee four years of on-campus housing to all interested students.


Justice for all … even snipers

The arrest of sniper suspects John Muhammed and John Malvo at first seemed to have ended the story of violence that gripped the D.C. area for over three weeks. However, the suspects have now been linked to other crimes across the nation, leading the Justice Department to debate where the two men should first be tried.