
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Smoke screens

In October 1998, an amendment, called the Drug-Free Student Aid Provision, was passed as part of the Higher Education Act that prohibits any college applicant with an adult drug conviction from receiving federal financial aid. Last year, Reps. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Bobby Scott (D-Va.) pushed bills to repeal this amendment that failed, and Frank wants to reintroduce the repeal bill this spring.


Fully committed

Georgetown University has made millions licensing its name to clothing manufacturers. Georgetown clothing is produced in factories around the world and under varying conditions. Clearly, Georgetown has received money for clothing produced in violation of both labor laws and ethical standards.


I wish I was taller, I wish I was a baller …

“Yo, Pete, you wanna go to Yates? We’re gonna play ball.” “Yeah, sure.” I find a dirty t-shirt from my laundry basket. I put on my baggy Wizards basketball shorts... Read more


Irish eyes aren’t smiling

I’m only half Irish, but I’m belligerently half Irish. Maybe it’s because my parents named me Erin Kathleen Sullivan (I often consider re-adding the “O’” for tradition and authenticity.) Maybe... Read more


Learning to bow

“Sumimasen, America-jin desu ka?” (Are you an American?) inquired the polite middle-aged man standing on the train platform with me. “For the love of Buddha,” I thought. “Not again.” It... Read more


When I grow up …

I am really glad I am a junior. I have some senior friends who do not know what they are doing next year, and I am really glad I am... Read more


Letter be

I’m beginning to think that I was born in the wrong era. Well, that’s not quite true. I actually came to the conclusion a long time ago, but it’s only... Read more


It couldn’t happen to you

Do you know the correct way to moan? If you don’t by now, I am sure it is not due to a lack of moaning on your part (you are,... Read more


End of the line

GUSA executives Tawan Davis (CAS ‘01) and Jacques Arsenault (CAS ‘01) have reached the end of their tenure, and it is time to take stock of the year that has passed. In the 19-page Annual Report recently published by the Student Association, the Davis-Arsenault administration reflects on its accomplishments and the issues that defined the face of student government this year.


Locked out

People who have ever entered a residence hall after telling a student guard that they left their IDs at home, by waiting for someone else to come out of a building, or by simply swiftly kicking a door, know that Georgetown’s security measures are far from fool-proof. However, university officials’ current plan to lock all residence halls 24 hours a day and permit only students who live in a particular building to enter that building is misguided and based on a distorted view of the security problem.


How the hell did I get this old?

My name is Donald. I am not 40 years old. I am not balding. I am not stuck in a job that I hate. I do not look at my... Read more


Walken around

I’ve recently come to the conclusion that there are really only two things in this world that make me uncomfortable. And when I say “uncomfortable,” I mean it in the... Read more


Unluck of the Irish

Georgetown students place a lot of pressure on one another to enjoy a year studying abroad with more passion than a great lover, with more joy than a first-born child... Read more


Isn’t it time?

This spring’s was the third semester that I wasn’t able to register for Professor Emmett-Mattox’s course on “Class, Race & Gender.” Not surprisingly, this story seems to be more common... Read more


Playing the name game

$400,000 is a lot of money. $400,000 could provide a lot in the way of transportation improvements for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transportation Authority. $400,000 is also the amount of money that Republic Representative Robert L. Barr, Jr. (Ga.) wants Metro to spend renaming the “National Airport” station to “Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport” station. Doing so also “honors” the former president?he would no doubt be impressed by a Metro stop bearing his name.


Dippity doo ball

To participate in last Friday night’s most prominent on-campus activity, a student needed all of the following: blankets, toothbrush, CDs, textbooks, several tolerable companions, food, drink, patience, copious self-restraint, the competitive spirit necessary to eventually possess one of 1,000 tickets that sold out by Saturday morning and, most importantly, plenty of time.


Crash and burn

It is no wonder that our generation used to say that we wanted to be astronauts when we grew up. They are really smart and have really high-tech plans. Look at the case of the Mir space station (even though it was built by non-capitalist pigs). The way the Russians have decided to retire the space station is pure genius.


It ain’t easy being green

The scene went down like this: After having made my way over to the Leavey Center on a lonely weekend afternoon, I found myself waiting at the bank of elevators... Read more


Don’t wanna grow up

I’m starting to think I have a problem. As a little kid, I was obsessed with every book in the Wizard of Oz series. I read them so often, I... Read more


Rock and roll all night

Happiness abounds on campus. The men’s basketball team is going to the Sweet 16. Nat Burton is God. Uh-oh. I just took God out of our University. Maybe, as many... Read more