
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Time for a New Deal: A student-first approach to the 2018 Campus Plan

With the first GAAP weekend just days away, Georgetown will soon be flooded with masses of accepted students anxious to get a first taste of the environment where they may... Read more


A Game of Homes: How You’ve Already Lost the Housing Lottery

That uncomfortable squirm in your stomach is not the 5th cup of coffee this time. Housing selection is upon us. It’s all most of us are thinking about, it’s largely... Read more


Criticism of Fossil Free undermines free speech

On March 18, GU Fossil Free (GUFF) walked on stage during World Bank President Jim Yong Kim’s speech about climate change at Gaston Hall to promote their campaign for the... Read more


Quality, affordable laundry crucial to campus living

At the end of February, the Georgetown University Student Association and the InterHall Council distributed a Residential Living Survey, in which they solicited feedback for a potential prepaid system for... Read more


Republicans: Think before slashing student aid

Last week, Republicans in the House of Representatives released a budget memo for fiscal year 2016 that includes a freeze on the maximum amount of federal financial aid that a... Read more


The Migrant Experience: Reflections from El Paso, Texas

Last week, I went to El Paso, Texas with twelve other Georgetown students on an Alternative Breaks trip. I left without any real expectations, except that it was something vaguely... Read more


Recovering the Long-Lost Art of Killing Time: A Primer for Hoyas

My spring break plans consisted of going to my house, catching up on sleep, and playing FIFA 15. It was a casual, ordinary spring break, except that my house happens... Read more


Carrying On: Gearing up for Graduation

Four years seemed eons away when I first stumbled onto the Hilltop as a confused freshman. Even now, with two months left before graduation, it is still hard to wrap... Read more


The Happiness Paradox

Why it’s hard to be happy at Georgetown, and how you can make it easier Being happy is hard. One would think that, after millenia on this planet, humanity would... Read more


Student Action for 2018 Campus Plan starts now

The Georgetown University Student Association released an extensive campus plan report yesterday along with a call to action for students to voice their concerns on the 2018-38 Campus Plan before... Read more


A toast to Cups for Campus and party hygiene

Beginning tomorrow at 11 a.m., Cups for Campus will distribute disposable cups for students to promote health and prevent the spread of disease, especially at parties. The Editorial Board welcomes... Read more


Rethinking student needs in the Student Center

Six months since the Healey Family Student Center’s grand opening, the space has become one of the campus’ most frequented gathering places. On Thursday nights, the Georgetown Program Board hosts... Read more


After hate, a new imperative to embrace the ‘other’

On Wednesday, Feb. 11, I woke up to horrifying news: 23-year-old Deah Barkat, 21-year-old Yusor Abu-Salha, and 19-year-old Razan Abu-Salha—three Muslim students in the Chapel Hill area of North Carolina—had... Read more


I want you: Apply to serve in Joe and Connor’s cabinet

Not a lot of people on campus really get what it’s like to be HoyaLink. Legally speaking, I am the third-oldest website in existence, right behind SovietSingles.com and AztecSwipe.gov. Oldies... Read more


Trevor and Omika connect to Georgetown one last time

With our tenure as GUSA President and Vice President coming to a close, we wanted to set aside some time to take stock of what’s surely been one of the... Read more


It’s time for a diversity requirement at Georgetown

On Mar. 27, the Main Campus Executive Faculty will consider a proposal to include an “Engaging Difference” requirement in the undergraduate core curricula. The Last Campaign for Academic Reform and... Read more


Firearms have no place in sexual assault battle

Ten state legislatures are considering legislation to permit concealed firearms on college campuses. Supporters argue that firearms, especially in the hands of women, give potential victims of sexual assault the... Read more


All-boys high school wrong solution for DCPS woes

D.C. School Chancellor Kaya Henderson announced in late January her plan to create a college preparatory high school for black and Latino boys in the District. The proposed school, which... Read more


Where our smartphones fail us: ‘TTYL, but not face-to-face’

I find myself eating lunch alone in Leo’s once or twice a week. I can’t even imagine what I’d do with myself if I couldn’t look at Bleacher Report or... Read more


Reflecting on last week’s Page 13 cartoon

I can think of a lot of mistakes that I have made in my life. As a first grader, I earned myself detention after walking through a puddle an administrator... Read more