
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


DeGioia undeserving of “brave thinker” title

In The Atlantic’s November “Brave Thinkers 2012” issue, Georgetown University President John DeGioia was lauded as one of 21 “brave thinkers” for promoting civilized discourse between Catholic and nontraditional voices... Read more


Vote Jill Stein/Cheri Honkala on Nov. 6

Over the past year, near-constant election coverage has whittled the U.S. presidential race down to President Barack Obama’s and Governor Mitt Romney’s stances on specific domestic issues and, in particular,... Read more


Four more years for the foremost, forthright President

Presidential elections often become glorified popularity contests, where questions like “Who would I rather have a beer with?” determine who obtains the most important job in the world. However in... Read more


My man Mitt’s vision of the right, rosy, Republican future

The other day I was reading an article in which the author discussed the effectiveness of receiving email endorsements for President Barack Obama from political and public figures like Sandra... Read more


Going Green: A progressive’s plea for a new party

As it turns out, President Obama was spot-on when he said Mitt Romney wanted to bring back the “economic policies of the 1920s” during their final debate—he’s just not the... Read more


International indifference

When I declared a Government major late in my sophomore year, I had only completed one class in the department and was in the middle of another. In attempt to... Read more


Schools best poised to help homeless teens

Late last week, Fairfax County Public Schools officials announced they expect the number of homeless students in their school district to top 2,500 this year, a new record for a... Read more


Ethics Charter amendments overly vague

Georgetown students head to the polls for Election Day in less than two weeks. And while those who have switched their registration to D.C. do not have a chance to... Read more


Code of Conduct should not reach off campus

Last week, Vice President of Student Affairs Todd Olson raised the standard of evidence for on-campus incidents to “clear and convincing,” maintaining the status quo of “more likely than not”... Read more


“Personally pro-life”: Unity required among Catholics

At the Vice Presidential debate a few weeks ago, the candidates were asked, among other questions, to reflect on their Catholic faiths and the role faith has played in shaping... Read more


Catalogue backlog

Early adulthood is a time of both self-discovery and self-doubt, so it’s by no means a new phenomenon that a work of art defines and inspires solidarity within a generation... Read more


The horror! British-style austerity looms over USA

It was in the throes of the civil rights movement during the ‘60s that Bob Dylan first sang “The Times They Are  a-Changin’,” but things haven’t exactly gone static since... Read more


America’s heirs apparent actually important, need to be sane

In less than three weeks Americans will go to the polls with but one idea in mind: who will be the next president of the United States. Little thought will... Read more


Female education combats poverty, sexism

Last week, Georgetown Circle of Women launched a campaign to raise awareness and mobilize students to advocate for the advancement of female education around the world. As one component of... Read more


Benefits outweigh home HIV test concerns

On Oct. 9, an in-home HIV test called OraQuick went on sale in the District after becoming the first test of its kind to be approved by the Food and... Read more


University should sever contract with Adidas

Last week, the Georgetown Licensing and Oversight Committee recommended that the University sever the tennis team’s contract with Adidas. In September, Georgetown Solidarity Committee delivered its second letter to President... Read more


Winter of our discontent: Facts absent from election

Nobody panic when I tell you this, but we’re less than three weeks away from the election. I know. I freaked out when I realized that, too. We’re within a... Read more


Et tu, Jim Belushi?

On Sunday morning, life was going incredibly well; my weekend included partying on a bus with my Danish friends, conversing with a British drug dealer about his problems getting laid,... Read more


A laowai’s struggle to adapt or die in the Chinese job market

Whenever I tell someone that I speak Chinese, I get the usual chorus of “oohs” and “aahs,” and the occasional demand to say “I like to eat hamburgers” in Mandarin.... Read more


An iPhone by any other name would be as sweet

“Whoa, what’s that thing?” a friend asked me when I pulled out my phone in Leo’s a few days ago, “It’s like a brick.  Why don’t you have an iPhone?” ... Read more