
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Steel Butterflies and the Back to School Blues

I briefly considered retiring from my formal education a few days ago. It seemed to me that I had had enough—for real this time. The thought of going back to... Read more


This Georgetown Life: Stories of College Infancy

I was awakened by a knock on my door around 10 a.m. on Homecoming Weekend my freshman year. At the door was a preppy, intoxicated senior followed by an apologetic,... Read more


10 Year Plan: Then and Now

On a Saturday morning in late May, a handful of Georgetown administrators gathered at the nearby Duke Ellington School for a five-hour sparring match with the neighbors. It was the... Read more

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GUSA President: Open Letter to Incoming Students

When trying to define the Georgetown University Student Association (GUSA), I have not found a succinct statement that adequately encompasses every aspect of this organization. In essence, GUSA consists of... Read more


GU fumbles response to summer rape

On July 10, 2009, a Georgetown student was raped at her residence on the 3500 block of O Street, according to a report filed with the Metropolitan Police Department. Most of the student body, however, could be forgiven for not understanding the gravity of the event. Georgetown’s Department of Public Safety’s subsequent Public Safety Announcement, released five days later, described the incident as a “sexual assault,” a vague term whose varying degrees of seriousness can indicate anything from groping or fondling to rape.


Work with the town, help the gown

Historically, Georgetown University’s ten-year plans have exacerbated the already-tense relationship between the school and its neighbors. This year, as the University looks to create and submit its plan for 2010-2020, is no different.


University debuts poor man’s Gmail

When the University switched to Hoyamail on Tuesday, most students probably did not mourn the death of its predecessor, GUMail. An e-mail server run by Google, Hoyamail comes with over 7,000 megabytes of storage space—a welcome boost from the paltry 20 megabytes GUMail provided for students. But Hoyamail is a deliberately crippled version of what it could be, preventing students from taking advantage of all the applications Google offers.


Covering up IHS sparks Catholics’ outrage

President Barack Obama’s address last week in Gaston Hall elicited national outrage in the wider Catholic community when it was revealed that Georgetown covered a Christian symbol, the letters IHS,... Read more


Safeway closes

Georgetown’s Safeway supermarket on Wisconsin Ave and 34th Street will close for renovations on Sunday, with plans to re-open in March 2010. During the construction, Safeway will waive its delivery... Read more


Georgetown is great, just not Catholic anymore

Although varying in tone, the condemnations of the University’s decision to hide the “IHS” symbol in Gaston Hall last Tuesday at the White House’s request have one thing in common:... Read more

Page 13 Cartoons

Despite the drug violence, life on the border goes on

If you Google “Ciudad Juárez, Mexico,” you will find a long list of bleak news articles regarding the recent escalation of a drug war that has driven the Mexican government... Read more

Page 13 Cartoons

Our throw away society can’t continue forever—recycle!

Three months ago, I went to Barack Obama’s inauguration ceremony. Although I have many joyous memories of the occasion, one of the more lasting is also the most disheartening: the... Read more


This Georgetown Life: College tales: Voice seniors on what they’ll remember

Megawatt Grins I don’t know if it was the convenience store champagne, the jet lag, or the allure of drinking in a Parisian phone-booth, but I will never forget that... Read more


Students’ inboxes far too eventful

If the University thinks its students have time to read the numerous broadcast e-mails they send out for announcements and events, they should think again. The meager 20 megabyte inboxes... Read more


Time to take pollution down to zero

In 1989, broadcast television behemoth Ted Turner created Captain Planet, a cartoon character whose mission was to make the world eco-friendly by influencing young people with his mantra, “The power... Read more


Squabbling Saps GUSA Confidence

Late last night, GUSA finally passed the Fall 2009 budget for all student funding boards on campus. The budget was approved in late February and has been stalling in the... Read more


Obama lays a foundation in Gaston

In the most closely watched macroeconomics lecture in the school’s history, President Barack Obama spoke on campus Tuesday to defend the first three months of his administration’s economic policy and... Read more


Censorship unacceptable on campus

Though it carried a warning that the reader should “chill out” and take the articles lightly, The Hoya’s April Fools’ issue has provoked a wave of criticism by Georgetown students... Read more


Let D.C. gays walk down the aisle

Headlines around the country last week heralded actions taken by the state supreme court of Iowa and the Vermont state legislature that legalized same-sex marriages. Though its actions received less... Read more


Quake rocks L’Aquila

A 6.3-magnitude earthquake hit Italy last Monday, reducing much the small town of L’Aquila to rubble, claiming 289 lives and leaving thousands of others injured and homeless. The tragedy hit close to home for the Georgetown Italian department, which conducts a summer study abroad program in the small medieval town.