
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


Ray Rice scandal could lead NFL to make needed, crucial changes

  Ravens running back Ray Rice committed an unspeakable horror when he beat his then-fiancee, now wife, Janay Palmer. The NFL, the Ravens, and everyone else involved handled this incident... Read more


Carrying On: Thinking outside of the lines in Russia

  It was my second day shopping for school supplies in St. Petersburg. I thumbed the thin, flimsy pages and then turned the notebook over on its spine, and inspected... Read more


Freshmen: Fight pressure to mold to school surroundings

When I see this year’s freshman class wandering around campus, I’m filled with nostalgia for my own first year. I remember the excitement of leaving home and meeting new people.... Read more


Natural tendency toward drinking on campus being taken lightly

In the fall of 2011, I arrived at Georgetown. I was full of excitement for the grand adventure I was going to embark on at this lauded institution. I had... Read more


Leaving Domestic Spheres of Thought

  “Personally, I think the Cuban revolution did a lot of good. I really like Castro,” my host mom says in Spanish on one of my first nights studying abroad... Read more


‘You Are Beautiful’ Campaigns Setting Ugly Standards

“If you can squeeze it, we can freeze it!” If driving through beauty-obsessed Los Angeles alone didn’t make me feel bad enough about myself, seeing this ad for liposuction plastered... Read more


‘I Can’t Allow My Grief to Stop Me From Living My Life’

  My dad and I had been at the hospital for a few hours when it started to rain. The doctors had just turned off all the machines and the... Read more


The Importance of Being Earnest: Modern Authenticity

  As the world becomes increasingly populated, it simultaneously becomes increasingly competitive. The college admissions process is a kind of funnel for this competitiveness, a checkpoint through which only a... Read more


The road to peace in the Middle East lies with the secular left

  The Middle East is often portrayed by mainstream Western media as a culturally backwards region: overtly religious, rife sectarian conflict, and a hotbed for terrorism. If we take a... Read more


Thin shaming is just as harmful as other forms of harassment

  Toward the end of my final year of high school, I was accosted by a friend in such an unexpected way that it has stuck with me to this... Read more


Carrying On: Chipotle changing the face of fast food

  As Hoyas migrate back to the Hilltop for fall classes, how we occupied ourselves for the past three months is sure to be a choice topic of conversation. What... Read more


Economic privilege alone is not a reason to be ashamed

  “Where do you come from?” has been a difficult question for me to answer for as long as I can remember, because my birthplace, where I last lived, and... Read more


Childish Gambino’s promotional scheme misses the mark

The versatile performer, who got his start as a writer on 30 Rock, has pretty much been everywhere and doing everything. But lately, we’ve seen a lot less of him... Read more


Got 99 problems and one percent feminism is all of them

On April 12, Georgetown University’s Women in Leadership hosted their inaugural Own It Summit. Tickets for the event sold out within 24 hours, hundreds of students and community members attended... Read more


Carrying On: Don’t stop believin’

Religion is everywhere. It’s a highly relevant topic in world history and in our lives, irrespective of our relationship with it. I learned this truth at a young age: Easter... Read more


H*ya Saxa: A senior’s reflection on ‘success’ past the Hilltop

Something I’ve noticed during my four years at Georgetown: students here will check and recheck their decisions to make sure they’re doing the right thing at the right time. I’d... Read more


From digits to dehumanization: Minor League Baseball

Before the summer of 2012, I couldn’t have told you jack-crap about the sport of baseball. I had played in rec leagues back in middle school, but never really caught... Read more


Carrying On: The walls are closing in

Imagine a massive intergalactic trash compactor, Star Wars Episode IV-style. You and me, and the rest of the world’s population, are caught inside. The wealthiest of the bunch have managed... Read more


Empowering student tenants through support and advocacy

On October 17, 2004, nearly 100 firefighters were called to the 3300 block of Prospect Street after an anonymous 911 call alerted authorities of a blaze burning through the townhouse... Read more


Structural violence in Panama: Native tribes’ legacy of starvation

¿Hay más pantalones? For the indigenous people of Latin America, resources are sparse.  Four years ago, I started the first of several travels to Santiago, an inland Panamanian town, to... Read more