
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


Catalogue backlog

Early adulthood is a time of both self-discovery and self-doubt, so it’s by no means a new phenomenon that a work of art defines and inspires solidarity within a generation... Read more


The horror! British-style austerity looms over USA

It was in the throes of the civil rights movement during the ‘60s that Bob Dylan first sang “The Times They Are  a-Changin’,” but things haven’t exactly gone static since... Read more


America’s heirs apparent actually important, need to be sane

In less than three weeks Americans will go to the polls with but one idea in mind: who will be the next president of the United States. Little thought will... Read more


Winter of our discontent: Facts absent from election

Nobody panic when I tell you this, but we’re less than three weeks away from the election. I know. I freaked out when I realized that, too. We’re within a... Read more


Et tu, Jim Belushi?

On Sunday morning, life was going incredibly well; my weekend included partying on a bus with my Danish friends, conversing with a British drug dealer about his problems getting laid,... Read more


A laowai’s struggle to adapt or die in the Chinese job market

Whenever I tell someone that I speak Chinese, I get the usual chorus of “oohs” and “aahs,” and the occasional demand to say “I like to eat hamburgers” in Mandarin.... Read more


An iPhone by any other name would be as sweet

“Whoa, what’s that thing?” a friend asked me when I pulled out my phone in Leo’s a few days ago, “It’s like a brick.  Why don’t you have an iPhone?” ... Read more


Standardize this! A frustrated student’s plea for change

I had one of the most upsetting experiences of my college life the other afternoon. Sitting at my desk, eyes glazed over, staring at the mind-numbingly boring online lecture for... Read more


The truth hurler on the ditch

This past weekend, I went to Syracuse to visit a friend. Every time I was introduced to someone, and they found out I go to Georgetown, I’d get an “Oh…... Read more


Adrift in a sea of causes, Occupy needs to set a course

October 1st marked the one-year anniversary of Occupy D.C. and, in celebration of the movement, the group occupied a number of lobbying firms, banks, etc. around K Street. The lobbying... Read more


Play that funky music: A tale of unabashed love for concerts

People who know me (or at least are friends with me on Facebook) know that I go to a lot of concerts. The Black Cat staff probably knows me by... Read more


The media v. Kirchner: The case for a free Argentinian press

You won’t hear me say this a lot, but Argentinian President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) has a point about the media. It’s just not the point she meant to... Read more


A college Facebook deserter’s search for friends IRL

Sometimes I look around at my peers at Georgetown and think, “Huh, these must be the people who actually enjoyed high school.” In that, I mean Georgetown students love the... Read more


In an age of ambition, humanity falls by the wayside

In the words of 30 Rock’s Jack Donaghy, “Ambition is the willingness to kill the things you love and eat them in order to stay alive.” This type of cut-throat... Read more


Recruiting goes both ways

Last Friday, like many Hoyas, I managed to overcome some serious pre-post-grad anxiety and make my way to the Fall Career Fair in the Leavey Center. What greeted me there... Read more


Carrying On: A Rose by any other name

Charlie Rose is the man. In my hierarchy of pleasures, there’s food at the bottom, movies and music in the middle, then masturbation, and at the top—by quite the margin—Charlie... Read more


Forbidding no foreskin, anti-Semitism rears its ugly head

As Jews across the globe gather ed yesterday to celebrate Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, the Jewish faith still faced enormous prejudice and persecution. Iranian President... Read more


Supreme Court faces life-or-death human rights decision

On Monday, U.S. Supreme Court judges return to work, and the very first case they will debate promises to cause some bustle. At risk are the fate of human rights, ... Read more


Venezuela goes to the polls with its future at stake

This October, Venezuela will face an election that has potential to be a watershed in national history. For the first time in the 13 years that he has been in... Read more


Does an un-American act warrant anti-Americanism?

As a 19-year-old Hindu Indian-American from the Bible Belt of the U.S. studying at a Jesuit university in an Islamic country, I’ve often taken it as my responsibility to answer... Read more