
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


This Georgetown Life: Hoya Halloween, Voice Staffers’ Tales From the Crypt

Road Trippin’ I am lucky to be alive after last Halloween. My friends and I decided to dress up as characters from the action-sports-themed Nickelodeon classic, “Rocket Power.” I drew... Read more


Bloggers gone wild

“You didn’t get this from me,” a student I had talked to for a few past news stories wrote me on GChat a couple of weeks ago, “But this is... Read more


In California, the leaves are brown and the sky is grey

Stirred by The Mamas & The Papas’ ode to the Golden State, my mom followed her “California dream,” leaving her childhood home in Ohio for San Francisco after graduating college.... Read more


If I could turn back time: drag queen racing in Dupont Circle

Call me old-fashioned, but I think there’s something special about a middle-aged man wearing a halter-top, garter belt, and high-heeled shoes. Throw in a gimmicky competition that draws a crowd,... Read more


Stop minimizing sexual assault

This past March, a friend of mine was raped. The rapist was a student who she knew through a small extracurricular group at her college; she had been hooking up... Read more


Deb balls & bolo ties: high society in the heart of Texas

Last April I was faced with a difficult decision—to be, or not to be, a Dallas debutante. As the youngest of four, the only daughter, and a member of an... Read more


Lost in the crowd: life of a shawty in a tall, tall world

Remember when you were in about fifth grade, having that big growth spurt, and you were suddenly—awkwardly—the tallest person in your class? When your notch on the “How Tall Are... Read more


Tour de Georgetown: cyclist pops the G’town bubble

Some of my girlfriends like to check out the bikers on campus. I prefer to check out the bikes. Ever since I was a child, I loved biking. I couldn’t... Read more


Come on ride the train: hike gas taxes, fix WMATA

The summer of 2008 was a fantastic time for those in D.C. who often gaze wistfully at efficient and popular public transportation systems of European cities. It seemed as though... Read more


The space race is over: what’s the new frontier?

This past Monday we celebrated Columbus Day, or Indigenous Peoples’ Day—depending on the number of Whole Foods in your neighborhood—in honor of the man who crossed an ocean and introduced... Read more


Back to school in Africa, one pen at a time

Imagine waking up for that 8:50 class on Friday morning and actually wanting to sit through another lecture. You stumble through the rows of seats, still hazy from last night’s... Read more


Global responsibility: a Nobel worthy cause

First off, congratulations are due to our President. But when I first heard Friday morning that Barack Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize, which I thought was given for... Read more


Money needed in the Golden State

Living in California, you quickly get accustomed to political mortification. From electing an Austrian action movie hero Governor to passing Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage after the state’s Supreme... Read more


Rio Olympics: Brazil goes for the gold in 2016

On October 2, the International Olympic Committee determined that Rio de Janeiro would host the 2016 Olympics. Several videos immediately appeared on YouTube showing the wild celebrations following the announcement,... Read more


Same-sex marriage: make it happen in the District

It’s been well over a century since the ratification of the 14th Amendment granted all persons equal protection under the law. In spite of this, millions of gay and lesbian... Read more


The free market for student loans isn’t really free

The following is a response to a Voices piece by Nick Troiano (COL ‘11) published by the Voice on October 1, which harshly criticized the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility... Read more


Breaking the glass ceiling: oysters with the boys

For a grotesque portion of my life, I pushed picky eating to its furthest limits. I refused to eat nearly anything that wasn’t pizza, macaroni, or bread until I was... Read more


Keep ‘em separated: love the art, not the artist

Just this week, Roman Polanski, one of the most celebrated film directors of the 20th and 21st centuries, was arrested in Switzerland and awaits extradition.   Polanski is wanted in the... Read more


Heroes and hotdogs: the great American pasttime

One of the clearest memories of my childhood is walking into Fenway Park in the summer of ’97 to see my first baseball game. It was as profound a religious... Read more


Don’t let Congress leverage our future on student aid

The Voice’s recent endorsement of the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (“Senate must pass Student Aid Bill” 23 Sept 2009) is a timely example of how the public is... Read more