
DeGioia appointed to NCAA Committee on Academics

February 18, 2017

On Feb. 2, university President John J. DeGioia became the chair of the NCAA Division I Committee on Academics at the committee’s quarterly meeting in Indianapolis. He replaced president of Ohio University Roderick J. McDavis, who had been the chair of the committee since its formation in January 2015.

The Division I Committee on Academics focuses on the academics of NCAA student athletes, including the setting of academic eligibility standards and the annual release of academic performance and graduation success rate statistics. The committee is chaired by a president of a Division I university and is made up of a number of other university presidents, athletic coordinators, teachers, and coaches.

The Committee on Academics replaced the NCAA Committee on Academic Progress and the Academic Cabinet in 2015.

DeGioia, who has served on the committee since its formation, expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to chair the committee and looks forward to the work the position entails. “President McDavis led the committee with extraordinary care, and I look forward to working with colleagues on the committee to continue his efforts to ensure that our students engaged in intercollegiate athletics have the resources and support they need to excel both on and off the field of play,” DeGioia said in an NCAA press release.

University spokesperson Meghan Dubyak echoed what DeGioia had to say about his new role as the face of the committee. “As Chair, President DeGioia will be focused on deepening the Committee’s efforts to ensure that students engaged in intercollegiate athletics have the support they need to excel both on and off the field and court,” Dubyak wrote in an email to the Voice.

DeGioia’s term on the committee expires in 2018, at which time he can be reappointed.

McDavis is also retiring from the role of president of Ohio University, effective later this month. Before the formation of the Committee on Academics, he served on the Committee on Academic Performance for 5 years.

“It’s bittersweet. Working on these issues for the past seven years has been both challenging and rewarding,” McDavis said in the press release. “I leave the committee in good hands and wish them the best as they work to help all student-athletes achieve their academic goals.”

Noah Telerski
Noah Telerski is a senior in the college studying government and economics and is the Editor-in-Chief of the Voice. He enjoys playing his guitar, talking about New Hampshire, and wearing Hawaiian shirts on Fridays.

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