
China imposes exit ban on SFS sophomore

November 30, 2018

China has placed an exit ban on Victor Liu (SFS ’21) and his sister and mother, the New York Times has reported. The ban prevents Liu, who was born in the United States, from leaving China, where he traveled with his mother and sister this summer. In the Times article, Liu said that China was preventing him from leaving to coerce his estranged father into returning to China, where he stands accused of bank fraud.

University President John DeGioia met with Liu in Beijing during a November trip to Asia. A spokesperson did not say what the two talked about during their meeting. The spokesperson also said that the university had “intervened with Chinese and American government officials” and promised that the university would continue to advocate for Liu’s return to the United States.

Joel Hellman, dean of the SFS, posted a tweet on Thursday which linked to CNN‘s article on the same subject. “We call for the lifting of the exit ban from China for @Georgetown⁩ student and US citizen Victor Liu & his sister Cynthia,” he wrote.

This post has been updated.

Jack Townsend
Jack is the Voice's executive news editor.

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