
First Time Long Time: The one about Euros 2020

Roman and Nathan return to Novak Djokovic’s first Wimbledon (0:42), discuss the NCAA’s new NIL rules and where they would like to be sponsored (5:20), and marvel at the run in the NHL playoffs by the Montreal Canadiens (9:37). Roman is then joined by Diego and Steven who analyze the 2020 UEFA European Football Championship (15:15) and make their picks for the Euros semifinals and championship (41:45),

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Will’s article

Roman Peregrino
Once upon a time, Roman was the Voice's EIC as well as news, managing, and sports editor. He is from San Francisco and a lot less Italian than his name suggests.

Nathan Chen
is the Sports Executive. He was born and bred in the DC Sports Bog and is ready to die in it.

Steven Kingkiner
Steven is a die-hard Philly sports fan and a huge European soccer fan. He is currently a sophomore in the College.

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