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Crêpes With A Snap

Steak-Out – a biweekly column about eating leisurely


Not so super commercials

The Super Bowl has seduced viewers with advertisements greater than those of everyday primetime television.


Making friends at Good Guys

It’s Thursday night, and I am preparing to go where no Voice writer has gone before. With whiskey in my belly and a male friend in tow, I am off to Good Guys strip club.


Imagine, me, you and a non-traditional love

Although the love story between the two women is questionable, the film boldly addresses the possibilities of homosexual relationships with comfortable humor to cushion the controversial subject.


This raisin won’t wither in the sun

Between the often perfunctory educational experience of Black History Month and the scores of elected officials scrambling to score points eulogizing the death of Corretta Scott King, it is refreshing to witness a work as trenchant and genuine as Raisin in the Sun.


The third roommate

As I sit here writing, there’s someone singing Broadway musicals into my ear.


It’s not all about the Benjamins

Why the MSB has a place at Georgetown


No time to wait on the lobby anymore

Early last week it seemed like Congress wanted bipartisan lobby reform.


Not just living (wage) for the moment

Last week, members of Georgetown Living Wage Coalition unsuccessfully attempted to force their way into a closed meeting of the University’s Advisory Committee on Business Practices.


LGBTQ needs resources for a center

Georgetown University is currently one of only two Catholic universities with LGBTQ resource offices, and recently provided a new “center” for LGBTQ operations.


What Brings Them to Georgetown?

For Sarah Nelson and several of the other students in Richard Russell’s Theory and Practice of Security class, war – on terrorism or otherwise – is more than just a strategy or a theory. It is a reality.


Student victim of armed assault

A Georgetown student was shot in the arm in West Georgetown during an armed robbery this past Saturday.


District Sale

Union Jack – bi-weekly column on national news and polilitics


Hamas: students react

The controversy emanating from Hamas’ stunning victory over the long dominant Fatah party in Palestine’s parliamentary election has stirred the charged campus discussion on the Middle East conflict.


Still Catholic?

Georgetown is assessed by Patrick Reilly, president of The Cardinal Newman Society.


Student to be jailed

The Georgetown student arrested last semester during an anti-military protest has been sentenced to three months in federal prison.


More than just garments

Working conditions have changed dramatically for workers in one El Salvadoran factory with the help of Georgetown students.


Campaign for living wage rages

Campus workers and students were unable to voice their demands after being denied entry to a closed meeting of the Advisory Committee on Business Practices yesterday afternoon.


Last stop for the Bus

Putting from the Rough – A weekly take on sports


The Sports Sermon

The Sprite Rising Stars Slam Dunk contest is just around the corner. But who cares? LeBron James sure doesn’t.


Dragons slain

The Georgetown women’s swimming and diving team continued its impressive winning season, defeating Drexel University handily last Saturday to improve to 7-4. The team has won five straight meets, most recently dominating the Dragons.


Prisons aren’t the only place to get booked

The District of Columbia government is currently considering a 10-year, $500 million plan to overhaul the city’s public library system.


The deteriorating state of our union

President George W. Bush continued his assault on progress last night in a strong and forceful tone as he delivered his fifth State of the Union address.


Academic freedom for all, not some

At last Saturday’s Take Back Georgetown Day event, conservative students presented an Academic Freedom Resolution – proposed and passed in modified form this week by GUSA – nominally designed to protect the classroom rights of students from politically biased professors.


Women conquered by Pondexter, Scarlet Knights

The nationally ranked Rutgers women’s basketball team came to McDonough Arena this past Saturday and gave the Hoyas a taste of the talent that has earned them the second-place ranking in the Big East.