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In your life

I have often heard that you should write what you know; a college student would be better to write about matters like classes or drinking beer, than say, a narrative about the Civil War from the perspective of a Union soldier. However, right now, the only thing I feel like I could write from knowledge would be the template of a Matt Foley motivational speaker sketch on Saturday Night Live.


Saudi prince denounces bin Laden

Osama bin Laden is “one of the most vicious and one of the most cruel killers of our time,” said Prince Turki Al-Faisal bin Abd Al-Aziz Al-Saud (SFS ‘68), former head of intelligence in Saudi Arabia.

By speaking on Sunday in ICC Auditorium about his experiences as Saudi chief of intelligence, Turki said that he was breaking “a social taboo of the Kingdom [Saudi Arabia].


Scalia: GU Catholic identity strong

Georgetown’s moral Catholic environment is as present and as strong as ever, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (CAS ‘57) said Monday in his speech as Jesuit Heritage Week’s Georgetown Alumnus Spotlight speaker.

After describing the degradation of morality in the United States over the past two centuries, Scalia said that Georgetown is “not losing its moral soul.


Declaring a major

The last time I spoke with Professor Lepgold was about two weeks before Thanksgiving.

It was just around the time that pre-registration was due and I had just gotten an e-mail reminding School of Foreign Service upperclassmen that they needed to have their faculty mentor sign their meeting confirmation slip or they would not be allowed to pre-register.


Like a prayer

I prayed the other night.

I was just lying in bed, feeling pretty good, and suddenly I found myself saying the “Hail Mary” in my mind. I’m not sure why. I wasn’t looking for a favor.

Praying might be the kind of thing that some people do all the time, but God and I haven’t been on speaking terms in a few years.


Bars to phase out drink specials

The Advisory Neighborhood Commission has reached agreements with two local Georgetown bars to gradually phase out promotional drink specials. The ANC could not reach an agreement with Champions to ban its admission of under-21 individuals into its establishment.


Don’t play in The Yard

Students will vote Monday for a new student government, the Yard. We cannot endorse it for three reasons.

In the proposed Yard Commons, club leaders would be required to organize themselves into nine clusters, and each cluster would send a representative to the Council.


Latvian president advocates trans-Atlantic alliance

Vaira Vike-Freiberga, the president of Latvia, advocated the necessity for a stronger trans-Atlantic partnership in a speech on Tuesday.

“The shattering terrorist attacks have put partnership in a new perspective,” Vike-Freiberga said. She noted that any country’s security can be threatened at any time, so it is no longer possible for any one country to be self-sufficient.


Vote Bridges/Ayer on Feb.11

Students need effective leaders for the Georgetown University Student Association—ones who don’t just promise change, but who can advocate and deliver tangible results. Our most effective advocates next year would be Kaydee Bridges (SFS ‘03) and Mason Ayer (SFS ‘03).


Fiber connection break causes Internet outage

The Verizon fiber connection that provides the University with Internet activity was accidentally cut early Tuesday morning, according to University Information Services. Students, faculty and staff on main campus, the Medical Center, Hospital and Law School, as well as University locations on Wisconsin Avenue could not access the Internet from 5 a.


Students demonstrate against economic sanctions

As students walked to and from class yesterday afternoon, they were forced to detour around the ten or so bodies of their fellow students lying “dead” in Red Square. Every 15 minutes, another student would “fall dead,” clutching a sign proclaiming: “I am not Saddam Hussein” or “Lift the economic sanction NOW.


Gonzalez rejects GLBT resource center

Vice President of Student Affairs Juan Gonzalez definitively rejected the proposed resource center for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students on Friday. An ad hoc committee first presented the idea for a GLBT center to Gonzalez in August, and student supporters have been meeting with Gonzalez and other administrators to discuss the proposition throughout the year.


Women’s lacrosse looks to build on past success

The Georgetown women’s lacrosse team, ranked fourth in the nation by Lacrosse Magazine’s preseason poll, will aim to return to the NCAA finals this year, despite losing six starters to graduation. Included in the Hoyas’ graduating class was attack Sheehan Stanwick, the most prolific scorer in the 25-year history of the program.


Hoyas climb over Mountaineers

Around 2:40 p.m. last Saturday afternoon, the MCI Center was enveloped in darkness, with only a handful of employees running around, lowering the baskets to the floor and cleaning up the aisles. Slowly, however, a young man strode down the hallway from the locker rooms onto the court, running one hand through his hair in distress, while the other clutched a Diet Pepsi.

Free Unclassifieds

Free Unclassifieds

Justin?Congratulations. I am so excited for you.

GI Swain?They need to put you in charge of the free world. Then, stuff would get done.

The Dudes of 1412?Thanks: Campaign Headquarters, Squatter Headquarters, without a doubt the best house in Georgetown.

Army/Conway?Money, cash, Hoes.



ROMEO’S PIZZERIA Hiring Drivers, Promoter, and Inside Help. Full & Part Time. 202-337-1111 or Davar at 703-798-9922

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Upcoming Women’s Center Events: ? Women & Money Financial Education Series: Credit Management. Monday. Feb. 11, 12:15 p.m. Leavey Club Room?338 Leavey ? GU Women’s Author Series. Featuring Elizabeth Velez, GU English Professor. Wednesday, Feb. 13, 7 p.m. Women’s Center?327 Leavey

Nancy Bernkopf Tucker, Professor of History.


Lord of the Rings: Voice Sports previews the Winter Olympics

The Winter Olympic games begin this Friday in Salt Lake City, and the normally dormant state of Utah becomes the focus of the world’s attention. Not since 1932 has the United States won the medal race on its home soil. In Nagano, Japan four years ago, the United States finished fifth.



So the Super Bowl’s over, what now? These are the two or three weeks of the year when I start getting work done, my roommates make video games a full-time occupation and my sports-addicted grandfather refuses to leave his house, mired in a crippling mix of withdrawal, depression and impatience.


Battle of the Sexes

There are two genders in our world: the male and the female. By and large, the male enjoys viewing sports more than the female, for the simple reason that if he can’t talk about sports effectively at a young age, he will be cast aside by the masses. A case in point of this situation: In the summer before sixth grade, when I was a hugely fat, zit-infested kid who wore striped clothing way too much and talked with a lisp, I went to a summer program geared towards really smart kids.


The Sports Sermon

Yeah, Belichick made the right decision in starting Brady. In the biggest sports’ upset of our lifetime, the 14-point underdog New England Patriots defeated the obelisk of offensive efficiency that was the St. Louis Rams. Even more remarkable than the upset was that the game was fantastic.


Power in Georgetown’s Spaces

From Sellinger Lounge to Red Square to the ICC foyer, students move fluidly around much of campus. It feels natural to wander across Village B courtyard, cut onto Healy lawn, then make a beeline for Lauinger. But there are loose boundaries which even the most na?ve first-year students can sense.


The Voice Crossword Puzzle Solution

The Voice Crossword Puzzle Solution


The Voice Crossword Puzzle

Across 1. Middle __ 5. Entice 9. Place for storing pictures 14. Using a bow 15. Short, squat African warrior 16. Double-gourded musical instrument 17. Traffic regulator 19. Correspondence 20. Lover of beauty 21. Already gone 23. Amino acid 24. Deserve 25.


The Big Picture

The Big Picture