
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


Critical Voices: The Flaming Lips – Embryonic

Never been to a Flaming Lips concert? Don’t worry—now we’ve got Embryonic. The band’s latest release solidifies their image as an improvisational experiment in sound. Clocking in at over 70... Read more


Critical Voices: Lightning Bolt – Earthly Delights

Lightning Bolt do not live up to the imagery evolved by their moniker. In fact, Lightning Bolt is more like the accompanying thunder than a swift discharge of energy—a bellowing... Read more


Pandora’s box

If you’ve ever been on a ten-minute car ride, you’ve come to that sad but unavoidable conclusion: the radio sucks. Commercials are obnoxious, the mix is never quite right, and... Read more


High Fidelity: A gleeful future

“Foresight” became an operative term this at Georgetown this week, as the Future of Music Coalition (“a national nonprofit organization that works to ensure a diverse musical culture”) held its... Read more


Telling the future

Twenty years ago, the “Future of Music” was compact discs (remember those?). Ten years ago, the “Future” was all about mp3s, Napster, and peer-to-peer file sharing. Curious about the future... Read more


The American Art Museum’s greatest hits

Walking in to the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s newest exhibit can be an overwhelming experience.  Called Graphic Masters II: Highlights from the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the exhibit initially comes... Read more


Gervais’s Invention won’t change the world

I lie a lot. I don’t think I lie too much (and of course I never lie to you, devoted readers), but I do lie enough to get by. I... Read more


Bottoms Up: On the Cheap

Like most college students, I’m a cheap son of a bitch. There are very few times that I’ll open my wallet for anything that isn’t an absolute necessity. Having said... Read more


Out of Yates and into the Wild

After a month of sedentary college life, you might be looking at your waistline and wondering where your slim summer physique went. It’s understandable that the prospect of trekking up... Read more


Critics, critiqued

Nowadays, we as listeners don’t stroll to the closest magazine stand, pick up the latest Rolling Stone, flip through the pages, and decide what our next music purchase will be.... Read more


Sushi sticks its landing

When the Voice last checked up on Sticky Rice in January 2007, it was, in writer Chris Norton’s words, a “gutted brick rowhouse skeleton.” The Atlas District restaurant still is,... Read more


Critical Voices: The Mountain Goats – The Life of the World to Come

The Mountain Goats as we knew them are dead. In deference to that and Life of the World to Come’s Biblical theme (each song is named after a Bible verse),... Read more


Critical Voices: A Place to Bury Strangers – Exploding Head

When was the last time you’ve gone shoegazing, losing yourself in a detached and introspective state, with any and all hostility far from your mind? There’s a reason why this... Read more


Critical Voices: La Roux – La Roux

This year, L is for La Roux. Not the rock-synth hybrid of Ladyhawke, or the overproduced pop sound of Little Boots, and definitely not the overexposed Lady Gaga. With a... Read more


Short circuit

Once a year, experimental electronic artists from across the globe convene in the heart of D.C. for the Sonic Circuit Festival. In its ninth season, the Sonic Circuit Festival (which... Read more


High Fidelity: Gold sounds

Perhaps you’ve heard of that band. You know, the one that’s reforming for a big reunion tour in 2010. Yeah, that band. “The most important American band of the Nineties”... Read more


Culottes for you lots: Fashion weak

Twice a year, the fashion elite gathers to celebrate fashion in four cities—New York, London, Milan and Paris. For an almost endless, whirlwind month, designers, stylists, makeup artists, and editors show us what we should be wearing, now and in the coming seasons, parading from show to show in an ever-changing array of expensive outfits to prove exactly how important and stylish they are.


Brief breakfast

This might not surprise anyone, but getting out of bed can be a grueling task for college students.


Find free Friday Music

Last Friday afternoon I found myself seated in McNeir Hall amidst a sea of grey hair, staring expectantly at a stage filled with nothing but a grand piano.


N’awlins jazz

This Friday in McNeir Auditorium, Jason Berry (COL ’71), will return to Georgetown to discuss his newly reissued Up from the Cradle of Jazz: New Orleans Music Since World War II, which provides a comprehensive look at the evolution of jazz, rhythm and blues, and soul music in the Crescent City.