
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


Mask & Bauble calls Inherit the Wind to the stand, delivers expert testimony

The Mask and Bauble Society’s first show of the semester, Inherit the Wind, “all comes down to the right to think, and the right to express those thoughts,” said Matt... Read more


Foxcatcher grapples with a violent legacy

Georgetown students are well acquainted with the influence of legacy, and the dangers of unchecked wealth, a theme taken up in director Bennett Miller’s latest film, Foxcatcher. The film tells... Read more


Phillip’s neo-impressionism exhibit points to symphonic transcendence

As its melodic name may suggest, Paul Signac’s “Setting Sun. Sardine Fishing. Adagio.” depicts a fleet of thin sardine boats bobbing like musical notes on a sea of blues and... Read more


Under The Covers: “Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!”

The virtue of the word “feminist” is still a contentious topic. I’ve heard friends say that the term implies misandry and that the history of feminism is racist—many women of... Read more


Reel Talk: Documentaries present an inconvenient truth

There’s something sublime about watching a film. The experience can take you to a fantastic world, removed from reality—a world with lessons and closure. One that is finite. Documentaries certainly... Read more


Critical Voices: Yellowcard, Lift a Sail

Though occasionally blown off course, Yellowcard’s new album, Lift a Sail, elevates punchy rock ’n’ roll sound with melodic ballads. On their ninth studio album, they maintain allegiance to classic... Read more


Critical Voices: OK Go, Hungry Ghosts

Almost a decade after OK Go’s chart-topping “Here We Go Again,” the indie-rock treadmill choreographers take another go with Hungry Ghosts. Though the band initially appears to trade in its... Read more


In The Red and Brown Water churns Yoruba lore at Devine Studio

Oya, the goddess of wind and lightning in Yoruba mythology, summons the spirits of change and tumult with deep inhalations. Alluding to her divine namesake, Oya, the protagonist of In... Read more


Hummus House dips into Georgetown

Complete with faux-ivy crawling over the brick walls and ceiling, Sabra’s brand new pop-up restaurant, Hummus House, initially appears to be a traditional Middle Eastern eatery with a modern twist. ... Read more


One Chance merits encore

It’s fitting that a movie about a man’s ability to sing opera at the top of his lungs lacks subtlety. One Chance tells the (somewhat) true story of Paul Potts,... Read more


Idiot Box: TV’s moral insurgency

Politics and television are hardly strangers—the drama, intrigue, and pantsuits of the former are often perfectly suited to the latter, if a tad exaggerated. The challenge of political TV is... Read more


Critical Voices: Flying Lotus, You’re Dead!

Steve Ellison’s You’re Dead! infuses hard jazz with a labyrinth of clacking, psychedelic guitar pedals and hip hop drum kits—not your average Darnall elevator tunes. In an interview with Rolling... Read more


Critical Voices: SBTRKT, Wonder Where We Land

SBTRKT’s new album, Wonder Where We Land, glides us through magnificent atmospheres of edgy textures and abstract synths, but, in the end, misses its landing. Straying from his groovy EDM... Read more


Let them eat cupcakes: Yury Urnov modernizes Marie Antoinette

If you were built to be nothing more than a political toy, what would you do in the face of a life-threatening revolution outside your palace gates? The Woolly Mammoth... Read more


Lez’hur Ledger: To recline, or not to recline? That’s a pretty stupid question

Nothing says “leisure” like sinking into a plush recliner after a long day of not reclining.  Let’s be honest with each other here for a second.  You want to recline.... Read more


DBGB crowdsurfs into D.C.

DBGB’s interior might best be described as storeroom chic. Shelves are neatly lined with ingredients and dishes, cookware surrounding the dining area, giving the room a cozy, pantry-esque feel. Complemented... Read more


SW ArtsFest (e)merges this weekend

Hot on the heels of last Saturday’s Art All Night event is SW ArtsFest––yet another opportunity to soak up visual and performing arts offerings in the District. With six different... Read more


Under the Covers: “Let us learn to show our friendship for a man when he is alive and not after he is dead.”

I remember reading The Great Gatsby when I was in high school and just not getting it. It was one of those books everyone was supposed to read. Like most... Read more


Reel Talk: Indie is the new blockbuster

Gena Rowland once said, “People in independent film have a passion; they’re not in it for the money.” Indeed, scrolling through the list of films nominated for Independent Spirit Film... Read more


Critical Voices: The Last Bison, Inheritance

Folk band The Last Bison’s appropriately-named second album, VA, was written in a cabin in rural Virginia, and it feels like it. It takes abundant technical skill to marry the... Read more