
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


Who’s up for a little Gross Indecency

This week, Oscar Wilde is on trial in the Black Box Theater. From Thursday, Oct. 28 to Saturday, Nov. 6, Georgetown’s Nomadic Theatre is staging Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde, a play by Moisés Kaufman that portrays the Victorian playwright’s prosecution for homosexual acts with an aristocrat’s son.


Kinseys preserve culture

At the center of the Kinsey Collection lies a stone. It is no larger than a brick, it is weathered with age, and it seems like it could have come from anywhere. But once you know the history of the stone, it’s significance becomes profound.


Freud had a sweet beard, too

Considering the kind of notoriety that Zach Galifianakis has gained since The Hangover, it wouldn’t be surprising if his next couple of features were half-assed moneymakers with sub-par supporting casts. But It’s Kind of a Funny Story is not that kind of film.


What would prep do?

Even if you haven’t heard of the College Prepster, if you go to Georgetown you’re familiar with her style. College Prepster is a blog run by Carly Heitlinger (MSB ’12), a junior with a passion for sharing her love of all things preppy with the world. This fall, Heitlinger expanded to books with her self-published work, The Freshman 50.


Critical Voices: Diplo, Blow Your Head, Volume 1: Diplo Presents Dubstep

Adam Wentz, better known as DJ Diplodicus or Diplo, has made a career out of combining the freshest and most exotic styles of dance music from all over the world into his own brand of danceable party music.


Critical Voices: N*E*R*D, Nothing

Originally a side project of the production duo The Neptunes, N*E*R*D gained notoriety for blending beat-making prowess with heavy rock influences. Over their last four albums, however, the band has gravitated away from rock and toward a more danceable sound.


Rub Some Dirt On It: A different kind of bar food

It’s Monday morning. You roll out of bed at 10 a.m., go to your 10:15 class, another one at 11:40, and then head to a club meeting. And, oh yeah, there’s an essay that you need to write and submit by 3 p.m. There’s no time for breakfast, or even a stop at Leo’s.


Warming Glow: Enough cable to hang itself

One evening this summer, my father came home to a disturbing scene: I was sprawled on my couch in front of the television, eating cereal out of the box and too dazed to notice that he’d entered the house.


There’s no shame in being a Phone Whore

Camryn Moore has a very nice speaking voice. It’s clear, articulate, and engaging, the kind that an acting coach tries to coax out of his aspiring thespians who just can’t sem to vocally grip their audience. So it makes sense that Moore is the star of her own one-woman show, which has won both audience and critical acclaim.


Documentarians explore life after Georgetown

Weeks before graduation, Rachel Shone and Laura Sortwell decided to move to India to explore low-income housing and Bollywood filmmaking. Neither wanted to leave when Rachel was unable to find a job, so they talked Carlee Briglia and Mary Clare Semler, into filming a documentary.


Acting like a Jackass still pays

A lot can change in a decade. In 2000, the highest-grossing movie in the country was Meet the Parents. Nobody knew the name Barack Obama. A “face book” was a printout with names attached to photos. And a group of drug-addled skaters became famous for filming stunts and pranks on MTV. Some things never change.


Critical Voices: Suuns, Zeroes QC

Modern indie music is too often composed of clichéd hooks and replications of once-original devices. The genre’s progression towards artistic homogeneity makes new approaches all the more refreshing to hear. Montreal’s Suuns is one of those bands that surpasses expectations, and has redefined the limitations of the song as a means of expression.


Critical Voices: Stereolab, Not Music

Stereolab is a band that has long defied convention. The lovechild of England’s Tim Gane and France’s Laetitia Sadier, the band has achieved great critical acclaim as one of the foremost members of the mid-90’s electronic indie music movement. Then, earlier this year, they decided to take an indefinite hiatus from their 20-year career.


Literary Tools: Drug addled and dangerous

Counterculture is a dirty word. Instead of diluting the influence of social pressures on individuality, the counter-culture imposes a new hegemony on those who don’t belong to the mainstream. It is composed of its own ideals and standards and, under the guise of rebellion, pushes for an even more rigid social structure than the one it opposes.


Suffer for Fashion: I think he played music too

This month, on what would have been his 70th birthday, John Lennon’s friends, family, and fans gathered to celebrate the life of one of the world’s most admired, adored, and controversial musicians. People placed flowers at the Strawberry Fields memorial in Central Park. The city of Liverpool, his hometown, unveiled a statue of him.


Bad haircut, worse movie

Ed Norton, in full prison garb, walks into a counseling office. He informs his parole officer that he has found religion. Suspicious, yes, but it appears that his epiphany has some degree of sincerity to it, and Ed has become a new man. Sounds like American History X, right?


Alone in his room, Edwards creates Monsters

There’s nothing new about a young filmmaker venturing out on his own and making an independent pet project. Most of the time, these are low-budget affairs that shuck special effects in favor of small-scale stories and clever writing. Some are brilliant, but budgetary restraints and production limitations guarantee that most are just film festival fodder.


Bill Ward explains the Things That Fools Do

Most seniors will spend their final year taking classes they’ve put off since they were freshmen, and then either applying to graduate school or frantically begging for employment. So Bill Ward (COL ’11), who already has a job lined up at Morgan Stanley, is liable to make his classmates pretty envious.


Improv incoming!

There’s a whole lot to look forward to this weekend—convincing your visiting parents to buy you everything you can’t afford, kicking off the basketball season, and seeing Despicable Me in the ICC auditorium. But for those of you still looking to fill your planners, there’s the Georgetown Improv Association’s first show of the semester, Holy Moly!


Critical Voices: Mount Eerie, Song Islands Volume 2

Song Islands Volume 2 is like an ice cream cone completely covered in ketchup: there’s something of value in there somewhere, but you’re so afraid to take that first bite that you’ll never find out exactly what that is. Mount Eerie frontman Phil Elverum tries to represent a wide variety of styles with his compilation album.