
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


Campaign for living wage rages

Campus workers and students were unable to voice their demands after being denied entry to a closed meeting of the Advisory Committee on Business Practices yesterday afternoon.


More than just garments

Working conditions have changed dramatically for workers in one El Salvadoran factory with the help of Georgetown students.


Student to be jailed

The Georgetown student arrested last semester during an anti-military protest has been sentenced to three months in federal prison.


Still Catholic?

Georgetown is assessed by Patrick Reilly, president of The Cardinal Newman Society.


Hamas: students react

The controversy emanating from Hamas’ stunning victory over the long dominant Fatah party in Palestine’s parliamentary election has stirred the charged campus discussion on the Middle East conflict.


District Sale

Union Jack – bi-weekly column on national news and polilitics


Whose sweat are you wearing?

Georgetown committee monitors workers’ rights


Orator against AIDS

UNAIDS Special Envoy shares his story


Striving to be NORML, not normal

After a dorm room discussion with friends over the war on drugs, Matt Huppert (CAS ‘08) decided to start Georgetown University’s chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.


Lively life conference

This past Sunday, a speaker at the Georgetown University Right to Life seventh Annual Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life caused an unexpected stir among attendees with controversial rhetoric.


New chaplain joins Hilltop

Casimir Stroick joined the Georgetown community as Copley Hall’s new fourth-floor chaplain at the beginning of this semester.


STAND lies down

Students Taking Action Now: Darfur will hold a “die-in” today at 12:40 to raise awareness about the Sudanese genocide.


Falcon Virgo

U.S. air forces conducted a series of low-flying defense exercises over Washington airspace early Tuesday morning.


Civil unions

City on a Hill – bi-weekly column on D.C news and politics


Burleith bristles at SafeRides

Local residents express concern over additional shuttles


Student wins Dream scholarship

Georgetown student keeps Dr. King’s legacy alive


Prison for student protestor

A Georgetown student faces up to six months in federal prison for trespassing on a military base during a November protest in Georgia.


D.C. bans smoking

Georgetown restaurant managers remain unfazed after Mayor Anthony Williams signed the District of Columbia smoking ban earlier this month.


Diplomacy for democracy

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice discussed the Bush administration’s transformational diplomacy initiative, the U.S. effort to help countries govern themselves democratically, yesterday in Georgetown’s O’Donovan Hall.


Capital access

Union Jack – bi-weekly column on national politics