
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


City on a Hill: Liberty and justice for some

Back in April, D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray and a number of City Council members received significant press coverage for their arrests during a protest for District voting rights.


Management system errors leave students unpaid

After the University failed to send her several paychecks in the past month, Claire Austin (SFS ’12), an assistant at the Mortara Center for International Studies, rushed to the Student Employment Office last Friday to take out an emergency loan for $360.


GU law student denied testimony on contraception

Last Thursday, third-year Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke was called by Democrats to testify before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on the recent White House requirement that employers must provide contraceptives without a copayment in their insurance plans.


As voting nears, GUSA candidates increasingly competitive

By the end of Friday, the ongoing campaign efforts of seven dedicated tickets for GUSA President and Vice President will finally reach a conclusion as voting takes place over the next two days.


Saxa Politica: GUSA exec, represent!

There is a certain vocal, insatiable group of neighbors who dislike facets of Georgetown, namely the students.


Despite crackdown, student Occupy movements growing

While recent police crackdowns on encampments in McPherson Square and in other cities across the country have diminished some of the intensity and media coverage surrounding the Occupy protests, Occupy movements at colleges across the District persist, collaborating with each other to organize new protests and actions.


GUSA Executive candidates defend budget proposals

On Sunday evening in the Leavey Center Program Room, the seven GUSA presidential candidates gathered to debate their opposing platforms, defending their budget proposals in front of students and campus... Read more


Hollander talks Guantánamo

Internationally renowned criminal defense lawyer Nancy Hollander spoke in the Intercultural Center last Tuesday about the rights of prisoners in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba.


City on a Hill: DCPS cheats the public

It’s been over three years since the first reports of cheating on standardized tests surfaced in D.C. public schools, and yet many questions remain unanswered.


GU students connect with Cuban youth

This weekend, the Cuban American Student Association (CASA) is partnering with Raíces de Esperanza, a nonprofit that works to empower young Cubans, for the Cuban Youth Summit. As Cuban society becomes increasingly open, the summit aims to foster relationships between young people in Cuba and America.


Aramark, union reach contract agreement

After a year of protracted negotiations, representatives of the Georgetown Dining Services union, Unite Here!, and University food services provider Aramark have agreed on a three-year contract.


Seven candidates launch GUSA presidency campaigns

The GUSA presidential campaign kicked off this morning at midnight, marking the start of a two-week race.


Pro-choice group provokes complaints

Last Thursday, two Planned Parenthood representatives tabling with H*yas for Choice in Red Square were confronted by a University employee and asked to leave when they could not provide identification as students.


SGU holds executive board elections

Wednesday night, voting for the 11 positions—one for each of 11 student group categories—on the first executive board of Georgetown’s Student Group Union finished, with candidates for nine of the spots running uncontested.


Saxa Politica: This is what bureaucracy looks like!

In the press conference for the release of the 2012 Student Life Report, the GUSA President Mike Meaney (SFS ’12) and Vice President Greg Laverriere (COL ’12) were asked when they thought another large-scale, student-driven self-study should be executed.


Dahlgren renovation plans released

On Wednesday, the committee for the renovation of Dahlgren Chapel released specific plans for the improvement of the building, which include moving the baptismal font close to the opening of the church and placing the tabernacle in better view of parishioners.


Turkish Ambassador speaks in Copley Lounge

Namik Tan, Turkey’s envoy to Washington, proudly asserted his country’s crucial role in Middle Eastern and European affairs yesterday in Copley Formal Lounge. “The sick man of Europe is now the healthiest man of Europe,” Tan declared.


SAFE reforms move into implementation phase

After the student body passed the three Student Activities Fee Endowment reform proposals last week, three steering committees prepare to guide the proposals toward their implementation in the coming months.


CSP seeks to connect student groups with Hoyalink

In an effort to centralize processes like group registration, event calendars, websites, and transitions in leadership, the University launched a new communications platform for student organizations called Hoyalink at the beginning of this semester.


Student-led sustainability projects expanding

Of the three Student Activities and Fee Endowment proposals passed last week, Georgetown Energy received the greatest support from the student body. With 2,269 “yes” votes, its resounding success serves to highlight a campus-wide increase in student-led sustainability projects.