
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Don’t let languages be foreign again

Anyone who has ever tried to cram a vocabulary list or conjugation table into their head before an exam knows that learning a language is difficult. Sometimes, retaining information you... Read more


Stop senators’ dereliction of duty

Whether on the Hill or on the Hilltop, representative governments have one simple responsibility: to act in the best interests of their constituencies. However, the Georgetown University Student Association has... Read more


This Georgetown Life: Awkward Luvin’: The Valentine’s Day Edition

Voice staffers share their most awkward encounters with love, in a Valentine Day's Edition of This Georgetown Life.


The ANC: G-town’s own bastion of hyper-democracy

Washington, D.C. touts its 37 ANCs as advisory boards whose opinions on traffic, parking, zoning, liquor licenses, and police presence must be given “great weight” by District agencies. But this doesn’t even begin to explain the phenomenon of the ANC.


Just because it’s real doesn’t mean it’s not terrifying

When I get bored, I slip into a sort of steady state of mind, my own personal state of nature. Oddly, that condition has come to involve watching a lot of horror movies. It isn’t that I particularly prefer slashers or monster romps to romantic comedy or drama. It’s more force of habit than conscious choice.


A message for President Obama: go green, baby, go green

Newly appointed Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele won’t push his party in a new direction. This is the man who coined the phrase “Drill, baby, drill,” so often attributed to Sarah Palin, and whose acceptance speech lacked any real substance.


Georgetown students earn their Day

For many Georgetown students, happily wandering around Copley lawn on Georgetown Day is one of the highlights of their college experience. This year, however, the University is threatening to strip... Read more


Metro service cuts are just not fare

As a rule of thumb, you’re not supposed to spend what you don’t have­—one need only look at our current financial crisis to see the disastrous results. Yet the Washington... Read more


Georgetown should lose the chaperones

Last week, the Old Georgetown Board—a board of architects charged with monitoring the Georgetown neighborhood’s aesthetic integrity—sent Apple back to the drawing board for the fourth time, taking issue with... Read more


Time for econ to end the sophomore slump

In large undergraduate economics classes at Georgetown, where professors often lecture before more than one hundred people, teaching assistants can make or break a student’s experience. Many freshmen must take... Read more


GPB needs to make concerted effort

Last semester, Georgetown University students were sickened by both a viral outbreak and a string of seven consecutive losses by Georgetown’s football team. Adding insult to injury, Georgetown’s Program Board... Read more


End taxation without representation

Our nation’s independence was founded on a fundamental belief in representative government, in every voice being heard. But for as long as the nation has been free, the District has... Read more

Page 13 Cartoons

Relieve the suffering of the Palestinian people

As members of “Georgetown for Gaza,” greeting our friends and professors on campus with “Happy New Year” after winter break seemed bitterly paradoxical.


The world must understand Israel’s motives

In the aftermath of the recent Israeli operation in Gaza, much of the world has an opinion, but few care to understand why Israel was forced to go to war in the first place.


Grown-ups can play games, too

One of my favorite psychological concepts to misuse in everyday life is the idea of “parallel play.” When children are very young—say, one or two years old—they aren’t entirely capable of playing with each other, and will instead play their own individual games, side by side.

Page 13 Cartoons

D.C. vs. Chi-town: vying for Obama’s affection

Early in my freshman year, my friends and I concocted a game called, “Fun Facts about my Hometown.” What began as an innocuous exchange of trivia about our home states and individual points of origin soon transformed into a heated competition, renamed “Whose Hometown Is Best?” Naturally, an important facet of this more confrontational stage was tearing down one another’s places of residence. (We repeatedly introduced our Maryland friend as having crabs.)


40 years of 11:15 p.m. Mass

In June of 1968 I finished studies in France and arrived at Georgetown to begin teaching theology. Bill Clinton had graduated from the University earlier that month.


Give me liberty, but don’t let me vote on a ballot initiative

The ballot initiative process is just too much unfettered democracy.


Marriage is not the bogeyman

My younger brother wishes he could have an arranged marriage.


Election reform needed in GUSA

Thought the 2000 Gore-Bush election fiasco was bad? What about the still-undecided bare-knuckles boxing match between Al Franken and Senator Norm Coleman for a Minnesota Senate seat? The United States... Read more